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Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion

The AAMC is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion.

We develop strategic initiatives to cultivate a diverse and culturally prepared workforce, advance inclusion excellence, imbue equity-mindedness, and enhance engagement with local communities. Learn more about our mission, goals, programs and initiatives, organized by portfolio.


What's New in Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion

Feb. IDEAS webinar on CBME to advance equity

The AAMC’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-racism (IDEAS) Learning Series will host a webinar on Feb. 5 at noon ET to highlight how competency-based medical education (CBME) provides a framework to develop instructional and assessment approaches to achieve equitable learner and patient outcomes. This session will be of broad interest to educators and learners across the medical education continuum as the academic medicine community at large seeks to address the persistent inequities in health care, education, and assessment systems.

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Register for Feb. Restorative Justice in Academic Medicine (RJAM) Facilitator Training

RJAM welcomes faculty and staff who would like to learn a relational framework that can help them navigate difficult issues and effectively respond to instances of individual and communal harm in ways that support active accountability, deeper understanding, shared decision making, and the prevention of future harms. 

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AAMC, NMA announce innovation grants to address shortage of Black men in medicine 

The Action Collaborative for Black Men in Medicine — an initiative of the AAMC and the National Medical Association — has selected the recipients of the Illinois Black Men in Medicine Innovation Grant. Co-sponsored by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois Institute for Physician Diversity, the program aims to develop innovative, replicable, system-based solutions to increase the representation and engagement of Black men in medicine in Illinois. The three grantee organizations are Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, Sneakers to Scrubs, and the I Am Abel Foundation.


Advancing Gender Equity in Academic Medicine

Based off feedback from hundreds of constituents, affinity group leaders, and AAMC staff, the AAMC's Gender Equity Portfolio is prioritizing three key strategic focus areas over the next 2-3 years: leadership and promotion, allyship, and salary equity. 

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Equitable, Diverse and Inclusive Health Care For All

Go to AAMCNews for features and current trends in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

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MedEdPORTAL: Diversity, Inclusion, and Health Equity

Our collection of diversity, inclusion and health equity resources.

Academic Medicine: Addressing Race and Racism in Medical Education

This collection of articles was curated with the intent to help readers engage in necessary conversations about race and to inform strategies to eliminate structural racism in their institutions.