Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Resources
Advancing Health Equity Through Telehealth
Key elements of this learning series focus on understanding the impact of telehealth on equity and access to care, the role data can play in improving telehealth access, and evolving best practices that are being used by health systems to improve digital health literacy and narrow the digital divide.
Anti-racism Resources
Helpful definitions, publications, readings lists, videos, and examples of anti-racism in practice within the United States’ medical schools and teaching hospitals.
Anti-racism Resources for Faculty Development
A resource bundle in AAMC Communities that includes articles, webinars, and more to support anti-racist curriculum design and teaching practices in medical education.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Competencies Across the Learning Continuum
Cross-continuum competencies to help educators design or adapt curricula and help educators and learners in their individual professional development and DEI journeys.
Diversity, Inclusion, Culture, and Equity (DICE) Inventory
A specialty product that aims to help institutions conduct a comprehensive review of institutional policies, practices, procedures, and programs that impact the climate and culture around diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Disability and Accessibility in Academic Medicine
AAMC resources focused on disability and accessibility across academic medicine, in biomedical research, in health care, and in medical education.
Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Planning Toolkit
This guide provides nine essential tasks to help navigate the diversity and inclusion strategic planning process.
Diversity Engagement Survey
Develop a meaningful inclusion scorecard that characterizes your progress toward creating an inclusive work environment.
Diversity and Inclusion Video Learning Series
Includes interviews with thought leaders and experts, faculty career development webinars, guidance on institutional strategic planning and culture and climate assessment, and presentations on innovative programs at AAMC member institutions.
Foundational Principles of Inclusion Excellence (FPIE) Toolkit
A toolkit designed to guide equity, diversity, and inclusion leaders in assessing the current level of inclusion within their institutions, departments, or units.
Medical Minority Applicant Registry (Med-MAR)
A service for medical school applicants who self-identify as being from groups historically underrepresented in medicine or who are economically disadvantaged.
MD/MPH and MD/MPP Combined Degree Programs
MD/MPH and MD/MPP combined degrees prepare graduates to implement evidence-based approaches to improve health and address health inequities.
Navigating a Foodborne Outbreak: Preparation for Interprofessional Practice
A free, self-paced, interactive, online module that demonstrates the importance of interprofessional practice among health professionals to improve and protect population health.
Population Health Connect Newsletter
Receive updates from the AAMC on population health activities, curricular resources, and upcoming meetings in your inbox.
Public Health Pathways
Learn about domestic and international public health training opportunities in academic, government, and community settings for every level in the education continuum.
Sexual and Gender Harassment
These AAMC resources contain key terms, findings, recommendations, and general information from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) report Sexual Harassment of Women: Climate, Culture, and Consequences in Academic Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Sexual and Gender Minority Health
These resources help promote the health of people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT), gender nonconforming (GNC), and/or born with differences of sex development (DSD).
Summer Enrichment & Pathway Programs
An interactive database to help students locate summer enrichment programs.
Tool for Assessing Cultural Competence Training (TACCT)
TACCT is a self-administered assessment tool that can be used by medical schools to examine all components of the entire medical school curriculum.
Urban Universities for HEALTH
Access the Metrics Toolkit and other resources to build a culturally sensitive, diverse, and prepared health workforce.