Workforce Legislative and Policy Priorities

AAMC-member medical schools and teaching hospitals play a crucial role in preparing future physicians who help create a healthier future for all. With the AAMC projecting a physician shortage between 37,800 and 124,000 physicians by 2034, programs that invest in training future doctors are more crucial now than ever before. Additionally, if health care access were equitable across race, health insurance coverage, and geographic location, the United States would require up to 180,400 more physicians as of today.
Federal programs administered through Medicare, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Department of Education, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and Department of Defense (DoD) are fundamental for training a robust and diverse health care workforce that is ready to serve our nation’s most vulnerable patients and address any public health emergency.
Workforce Priorities
Physician Training
Graduate medical education (GME) — clinical training at teaching hospitals for our future physicians after medical school — is crucial in addressing America’s current and future physician shortage. Unfortunately, Medicare-supported training positions have been effectively frozen since 1997. Increasing federal investment in GME is the first step in producing more physicians to care for our nation’s patients. Additionally, the AAMC supports Children’s Hospital GME (CHGME) and Teaching Health Centers GME (THCGME), administered by HRSA, as well as GME programs administered by the VA and DoD, which provide vital support for training physicians in primary care and a multitude of subspecialties.
- AAMC Supports Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2023
- Senator Boozman (R-Ark.) Op-Ed: Outdated policy contributing to a worsening physician shortage
- How Expanding Graduate Medical Education Impacts Patients and Communities
- New Medicare-Supported GME Residency Positions Expand Health Care Access, Physician Workforce
- AAMC Testimony to Senate HELP Committee Hearing on Health Care Workforce Shortages
VA Issues RFP for GME Funding Opportunity through the PPGMER
- State-by-State Data on Graduate Medical Education
- Factsheet - Graduate Medical Education: Training the Physician Workforce
- AAMC Report Shows Continuing Projected Physician Shortage
- The Complexities of Physician Supply and Demand: Projections From 2021 to 2036
- Senate (S. 1302) and House (H.R. 2389) Bill Summaries: The Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2023
HRSA Health Workforce Programs
The HRSA Title VII workforce development programs are crucial in training a diverse and culturally competent health workforce to treat our nation’s most vulnerable patients. The Title VII programs, funded through annual federal appropriations for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), invest in scholarship, loan repayment, and mentorship programs for future health care professionals from underrepresented minority, rural, and disadvantaged backgrounds. The HRSA programs also support interprofessional training in community-based settings to help shape the nation’s health workforce across primary care, public health, geriatric, and mental health disciplines.
The AAMC leads the Health Professions and Nursing Education Coalition (HPNEC), a coalition of over 90 health professions organizations advocating for increased funding for the HRSA Title VII health professions and Title VIII nursing workforce programs.
- HRSA Title VII and VIII Health Workforce Programs - FY 2025
- HPNEC Group Letter on FY 24 Appropriations and Title VII/VIII Funding
- HRSA Workforce Development Programs: A Budget Blueprint for Fiscal Year 2025
- HPNEC Hosts Congressional Briefing on Health Workforce Shortages
Dear Colleague Letters to Senate and House Appropriations Committee Leadership Urging Robust Funding for the Title VII Programs in FY 2025
Student Aid and Service Programs
While medical school remains an excellent personal financial investment, federal student loans administered by the Department of Education — such as Direct Unsubsidized and GradPLUS loans that cover the full cost of attendance — help students from disadvantaged backgrounds access financing. The AAMC continues to advocate for these loan programs, which are available to all students pursuing a medical degree.
Additionally, federal recruitment programs, such as Public Service Loan Forgiveness, the National Health Service Corps, and those administered by the VA, DoD, and HHS’ Indian Health Service, encourage graduates to pursue careers that benefit communities in need by providing student loan relief to physicians who serve in Health Professional Shortage Areas and nonprofit or government facilities. Federal financial and policy support for these programs ultimately help improve the health of individuals and communities.
- AAMC Endorses POST GRAD Act
- Group Letter Supporting FAFSA Deadline Act (H.R. 8932)
- ACE Letter on Bipartisan Workforce Pell Act (BPWA)
- FASHP and ACE letters on College Cost Reduction Act (CCRA)
- Lawmakers Send Bicameral Letter Urging Support for SAVE Enrollees
- Department of Education Further Extends FVT/GE Reporting Deadline to January 2025
- Group Letter Urging PSLF and IDR credits for SAVE Enrollees in Forbearance
- Court Halts SAVE Student Loan Repayment Plan
- AAMC Public Comment Applauding Department of Education Proposed Federal Loan Relief Program
- Group Letter Urging Leaders to Amend a Provision that would Limit Access to Financial Aid for Students at Institutions Subject to the Endowment Tax
Immigration and DACA
A balanced approach to immigration and citizenship policy that attracts and retains the best and brightest from around the world is necessary for our nation’s health security. The U.S. health workforce and the patients it serves rely on health professionals and researchers from other countries, as well as students through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. These providers add diversity of culture and experience to our nation’s workforce. Their importance is amplified each year, as the nation faces growing physician workforce shortages that was further exacerbated by COVID-19 pandemic.
AAMC-member teaching hospitals and medical schools require a stable immigration system to attract talented students, trainees, researchers, and staff for vital education, research, and clinical programs. To ensure that undocumented members of the health care workforce are able to continue their employment, education, training, and research in the United States, the AAMC advocates to protect DACA and urges Congress to enact legislation that would provide a permanent pathway to citizenship for these individuals. To avoid training disruptions and strained patient coverage, predictable and transparent immigration processes are important for timely onboarding of new medical residents each year on J-1 and H-1B visas. Well-considered immigration policies, such as the Conrad 30 J-1 visa waiver program, also help rural and other underserved communities recruit physicians. Congress should make permanent and expand the Conrad 30 program to help vulnerable patients affected by nationwide physician workforce shortages.
- Group Letters on Senate and House Healthcare Workforce Resilience Act
- Group Letters on Senate and House Conrad 30 Reauthorization Bills
- AAMC Statement on Biden Administration's Proposal to Expand Medicaid Coverage to DACA Program Enrollees
- AAMC Led Group Letter to Congressional Leadership in Support of Dreamers

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