Community Collaborations
Medical schools and teaching hospitals are working for the health of all by collaborating with communities across clinical, research, and educational missions.
This type of partnership means sharing expertise, resources, and responsibility with communities for achieving shared goals. Through interactions built on trust, mutual respect, cultural humility, and mutual benefit, medical schools and teaching hospitals work with communities on activities that include community-based service learning, community-engaged research, and community-driven health services delivery.
The AAMC is committed to supporting its member institutions in building partnerships and cultivating trust as anchor institutions in their communities.

AAMC Center for Health Justice
The AAMC Center for Health Justice sparks community-centered, multisector research, collaboration, and action to make the case for policies and practices that ensure all communities have an equal opportunity to thrive.
What's New in Community Collaborations
Advocacy Toolkit for Physicians in Training
This new toolkit is designed to assist health professions learners in Washington, DC, to leverage their role to drive positive social change as they advocate with and for their patients and communities. Although this toolkit was designed for learners in the District of Columbia, the principles can be applied in other regions nationally.
Community Engagement and Collaboration Resource Bundle
The AAMC has curated this collection of resources, articles, and toolkits focusing on the significance of long-lasting community partnerships in achieving a more equitable future. Registration in AAMC Communities is required.
Community Engagement at the AAMC: Highlights from 2023
The AAMC is committed to having a greater social impact in Washington, DC, through its philanthropic efforts, employee volunteerism, and innovative programming. Through partnerships with community organizations, we advance educational opportunities, promote health equity, and respond to our neighbors’ needs.
Access the Report
The AAMC Community Grants Program: 15 Years of Impact
The AAMC aims to live up to our mission and values through ongoing community engagement and collaboration. The Community Grants Program is a valuable opportunity for employee learning and engagement, and is an asset to the local community. Here are 15 testimonials that speak to the impact of the program over the last 15 years.
Testimony and Correspondence
Congressional testimony, letters to Capitol Hill and federal agencies, and comment letters on policy issues.
- AAMC Submits Comments to the Discussion Draft of the Preliminary Framework for Equitable Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine PDF
- AAMC Submits Comments to CMS on Rural Maternal Health Disparities
- AAMC Submits Comments on Increased Collaboration to Advance Prevention Research
- AAMC Submits Comments on NIH Maternal Mortality Research Initiative
- AAMC Submits Letter to NCATS on Strengthening the CTSA Program
- AAMC Submits Comments on OMHHE Strategic Priorities
Publications produced by AAMC staff members about community engagement and collaboration.
- Shifting Academic Health Centers from a Culture of Community Service to Community Engagement and Integration
- Equitable Pandemic Preparedness and Rapid Response: Lessons from COVID-19 for Pandemic Health Equity
- Engaging with Communities — Lessons (Re)Learned From COVID-19
- Communities, Social Justice, and Academic Health Centers
Professional Development Resources
Apply for an Award
Spencer Foreman Award for Outstanding Community Engagement Recipients
The Foreman Award honors institutions and their community partners that engage in bidirectional collaboration and shared leadership in service of advancing the health and vitality of the community, its residents, and the academic institution. Learn more about past recipients.
“Medical schools and teaching hospitals must become the best partners they can be in the multi-sector collaborations necessary to achieve health justice.”
Philip Alberti, Founding Director, AAMC Center for Health Justice