Spencer Foreman Award for Outstanding Community Engagement
The Spencer Foreman Award for Outstanding Community Engagement is presented annually to an AAMC-member medical school or health system with a long-standing, major institutional commitment to partnering with the community it serves to identify and address community needs. The Foreman Award highlights community engagement as an important element of the academic mission and singles out institutions that serve as exemplars of social responsiveness on the part of the academic medical community. The award was renamed in 2007 to honor Spencer “Spike” Foreman, MD, who established the award in 1993 while serving as chair of the AAMC.
The awardee will receive a commemorative crystal piece and a prize of $10,000 honoring the institution’s extraordinary social commitment. Nominations are due Friday, April 4, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. ET.
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NOMINATESpencer Foreman Award for Outstanding Community Engagement
Selection Criteria
The Foreman Award honors institutions and their community partners that engage in bidirectional collaboration and shared leadership in service of advancing the health and vitality of the community, its residents, and the academic institution. This commitment should be demonstrated through the development, implementation, evaluation, and sustainment of exceptional educational, clinical, and research programs that go well beyond the traditional service role of academic medicine and rely on the local community’s wisdom and expertise to address community health needs. Review Foreman Award selection criteria.
Guidelines for Entry
AAMC-member medical schools and health systems are eligible to apply if their institutions have not received the award in the past 10 years. Institutions selected for a site visit can reapply in two years. Completed applications should be uploaded in the AAMC’s online awards submission system by Friday, April 4, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. ET. The fields required for nomination can be previewed here.
Foreman Award Recipients
The Foreman Award honors institutions and their community partners that engage in bidirectional collaboration and shared leadership in service of advancing the health and vitality of the community, its residents, and the academic institution.
The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine and UChicago Medicine is the 2024 winner of the Spencer Foreman Award for Outstanding Community Engagement.