Residents Who Completed Training, 2014-23
The table below displays the number and percentage of individuals who completed residency training from 2014 through 2023, are not currently active in any GME program, and have a full-time faculty appointment at a U.S. MD-granting school compared with those with a prior (but not current) full-time faculty appointment and those who have never had a full-time faculty appointment. Data are for graduates of MD-granting and DO-granting U.S. and Canadian schools and of international medical schools, for the most recently completed ACGME-accredited specialty and subspecialty. For example, 354 of the 1,415 individuals (25.0%) who last completed residency training from 2014 through 2023 in Allergy and Immunology currently hold a full-time faculty appointment at a U.S. MD-granting school. Part-time faculty appointments are not included. Counts and percentages shown for specialties do not include counts and percentages for the related subspecialties. Please contact with any comments or questions.
Selected Finding: Of those individuals who completed residency training from 2014 through 2023, 20.1% currently hold a full-time faculty appointment at a U.S. MD-granting school.