2019-20 Active Residents
The table below displays the number and percentage of 2019-20 active residents who graduated from an international medical school compared with the number and percentage of 2019-20 active residents who graduated from MD-granting U.S. and Canadian schools, as well as U.S. DO-granting schools, by specialty and sex. International medical school graduates include both U.S. citizens and non-U.S. citizens who graduated from any medical school outside the United States and Canada. For example, 22 men and 40 women in 2019-20 were active Allergy and Immunology residents who graduated from international medical schools, compared with 61 men and 155 women who graduated from an MD-granting medical school in the United States or Canada and 15 men and 15 women who graduated from a DO-granting medical school in the United States. The majority of active Allergy and Immunology residents in 2019-20 were women for both graduates from international medical schools and graduates from U.S. and Canadian schools. Counts and percentages shown for specialties do not include counts and percentages for the related subspecialties. Please contact residentreport@aamc.org with any comments or questions.
Selected Finding: Looking at the specialties with the most residents, women make up a larger percentage of residents in Family Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Pediatrics, while men make up a larger percentage of residents in Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Radiology, and Surgery.