2020-21 Active Residents
The table below displays the number and percentage of 2020-21 active DO residents by race/ethnicity (alone or in combination) and specialty. "Alone or in combination" indicates those who selected a race/ethnicity category alone or in combination with another race/ethnicity response. The sum of the race/ethnicity categories may not add to the total number of residents since a resident could designate multiple race/ethnicity categories. For example, in 2020-21, three active DO residents who identified as American Indian or Alaska Native alone or in combination with any other race/ethnicity response were training in Anesthesiology. Race/ethnicity data are only shown for U.S. citizens or permanent residents. The "Non-U.S. Citizen or Non-Permanent Resident" category may include residents with unknown citizenship. Data are for graduates of DO-granting U.S. schools. Counts and percentages shown for specialties do not include counts and percentages for the related subspecialties. Please contact residentreport@aamc.org with any comments or questions.
Selected Finding: The distribution of active DO residents by race/ethnicity varies across specialties. Overall, 65.9% of active U.S. citizen DO residents in 2020-21 reported White, 20.9% reported Asian, 4.6% reported Hispanic, 2.6% reported Black or African American, 0.6% reported American Indian or Alaska Native, and 0.2% reported Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. Additionally, 7.7% of active DO residents were non-U.S. citizens in 2020-21.