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Report on Residents

Table B7. Number of Active Residents, by Race/Ethnicity (Alone or In Combination) and GME Specialty

2023-24 Active Residents

The table below displays the number and percentage of 2023-24 active residents by race/ethnicity (alone or in combination) and specialty. "Alone or in combination" indicates those who selected a race/ethnicity category alone or in combination with another race/ethnicity response. The sum of the race/ethnicity categories may not add to the total number of residents since a resident could designate multiple race/ethnicity categories. For example, in 2023-24, there were 52 active residents who identified as American Indian or Alaska Native alone or in combination with any other race/ethnicity response who were training in Anesthesiology. Data are shown for all residents, regardless of citizenship status. Counts and percentages shown for specialties do not include counts and percentages for the related subspecialties. Please contact residentreport@aamc.org with any comments or questions.

Selected Finding: The distribution of active residents by race/ethnicity varies across specialties. Overall, 53.2% of active residents in 2023-24 reported White, 30.5% reported Asian, 10.0% reported Hispanic, 7.7% reported Black or African American, 0.6% reported American Indian or Alaska Native, and 0.2% reported Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.

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ACGME-Accredited Specialties and Subspecialties Active Residents
American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish Origin Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Other Race/Ethnicity Unknown Race/Ethnicity Unduplicated Total
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Note: ACGME specialties and subspecialties with no active residents in YYYY1 were excluded.

Source: GME Track® as of GMEdate, YYYY and IND.IND_IDENT as of INDdate, YYYY.