AAMC membership allows an institution's staff the opportunity to participate in the following AAMC-supported member communities. Each of these communities offers learning networks and resources in their respective areas of concentration.
Chief Medical Officers’ Group (CMOG)
CMOG provides information, networking opportunities, and professional development resources for CMOs and other physicians who lead clinical programs in AAMC-member organizations.
Compliance Officers Forum (COF)
COF is composed of compliance leaders from AAMC-member medical schools, teaching hospitals, and health systems. The COF provides a national forum for networking, professional development, and collaborative opportunities.
Group on Faculty Practice (GFP)
The GFP is composed of physician leaders and administrative executives from medical school-affiliated faculty practice plans. The GFP works to advance the clinical mission of academic medical centers.
Group on Information Resources (GIR)
The GIR promotes excellence in the application and integration of information resources in academic medicine.
Group on Resident Affairs (GRA)
The GRA promotes exemplary leadership for high-quality graduate medical education (GME) and is the authoritative source on GME principles and practices in the medical education continuum within the AAMC and nationally.
Group on Relations Representatives (GRR)
The GRR advances nonpartisan advocacy for academic medicine by providing a forum for federal relations staff at medical schools, teaching hospitals, and academic societies to consult with AAMC staff on evolving federal legislative and regulatory issues, initiatives, and strategies.
Group on Educational Affairs (GEA)
The GEA's mission is to promote excellence in the education of physicians throughout their professional lives and, thereby, to contribute to improving the health of the public.
Group on Institutional Advancement (GIA)
The GIA supports all advancement professionals whose work largely falls within five broad disciplines: alumni relations, communications, development, marketing, and public affairs.
Group on Women in Medicine and Science (GWIMS)
GWIMS advances the full and successful participation and inclusion of women within academic medicine by addressing gender equity, recruitment and retention, awards and recognition, and career advancement.
Group on Faculty Affairs (GFA)
The mission of the GFA is to build and sustain faculty vitality in medical schools and teaching hospital.
Group on Institutional Planning (GIP)
The primary mission of GIP is to advance the discipline of planning in academic medicine by enhancing the skills and knowledge of professional planners; to promote the value of planning; and to connect people, resources, and ideas.
Group on Research Advancement and Development (GRAND)
The AAMC’s professional development group for research deans provides a national forum for action on issues critical to the research enterprise, and for linking advances in research with improvements in health.