Power and Privilege
- Examining Privilege Workshop (PDF)
- Power and Privilege Definitions (PDF)
- Privilege Exercise Team Processing Questions Document (PDF)
- Privilege Exercise Small Group Processing Questions (PDF)
- Privilege Exercise Paper (PDF)
- Privilege Exercise Headers (PDF)
- Privilege Exercise Group Norms (PDF)
- Facilitator's Guide: Privilege Workshop (PDF)
- Links to Privilege Videos (PDF)
- Underprivilege as Privilege - JAMA (PDF)
Microaggressions, Identity, and Cross-Cultural Communication
- Understanding Microaggressions in the Workplace PPT
- Understanding Microaggressions in the Workplace Handouts (PDF)
- The Complexity of Identity (PDF)
- Cross-Cultural Communication PPT
- Facilitator's Instructions: Cross-Cultural Communication Workshop (PDF)
AAMC Resources
- AAMC's Diversity 3.0 Learning Series - a collection of resources on diversity issues in academic medicine from the AAMC's Diversity Policies and Programs.
- Competency-Based Curriculum Development to Meet the Needs of People With Disabilities - A Call to Action - an article in Academic Medicine that described practical examples of integrating concepts of disability into the curriculum with minimal additional time requirements to enhance medical students' competence in caring for people with disabilities.
- Diversity and Inclusion Officer Toolkit - a PowerPoint presentation from the AAMC's Group on Diversity and Inclusion (GDI) that functions as a guide for academic medicine professionals who are new to diversity and inclusion roles.
- Faculty Diversity Programs in U.S. Medical Schools and Characteristics Associated with Higher Faculty Diversity - Academic Medicine
- MedEdPORTAL's Diversity, Inclusion, and Health Equity Collection - The AAMC's MedEdPORTAL, in partnership with the American Dental Education Association (ADEA), features features peer-reviewed educational resources for educators to advance institutional efforts in creating a diverse and inclusive culture and climate for all in order to drive clinical, educational, research and service excellence.
- The Role of the Chief Diversity Officer in Academic Health Centers - an AAMC report describing how to craft effective chief diversity officer (CDO) roles in health care organizations.
Websites, Reports, and Studies
- Why Racial Justice Matters in Radiation Oncology - an opinion article published in advances in radiation oncology following protests against racism and police brutality in the summer of 2020.
- Upstate Medical Center's Disability Integration Toolkit - a collection of resources designed to help medical educators incorporate disability education into their curriculum in both the pre-clinical and clinical stages.
- Leading Practices and Future Directions for Technical Standards in Medical Education - a report, published in PubMed, that calls for updated Technical Standards to make medical education more inclusive and accessible for people with disabilities.
- NIH Scientific Workforce Diversity Toolkit - the NIH's evidence-based toolkit for expanding faculty diversity at institutions.
- Sexual Harassment of Women: Climate, Culture, and Consequences in Academic Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2018) - the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine's report on sexual harassment in academic medicine and other fields.
- NIH Addresses the Science of Diversity (video)
- HERC - a non-profit consortium of over 700 colleges, universities, hospitals, research labs, government agencies, and related non- and for-profit organizations. Consortium members share a commitment to hiring the most diverse and talented faculty, staff, and executives.
- www.aigcs.org - American Indian Graduate Center provides fellowships to American Indian and Alaska Native graduate students throughout the United States.
- www.glifaa.org - LGBT+Pride in Foreign Affairs Agencies. Officially recognized as a State Department and USAID employee association, GLIFAA advances diversity and workplace equity in U.S. foreign affairs agencies and human rights for LGBT people around the world.
- www.acccolorado.org - The mission of the Asian Chamber of Commerce includes supporting and promoting Asian-owned businesses, as well as providing information, resources, training, exposure, networking opportunities, monthly events, and two major annual events.
- www.nationalbcc.org - The National Black Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to economically empowering and sustaining African-American communities through entrepreneurship and capitalistic activity within the US and via interaction with the African Diaspora.
- www.HigherEdjobs.com - This is the leading internet source for jobs and career information in academia, and it features diversity-focused general job posting resources.
- www.aucd.org - The mission of the Association of University Centers on Disabilities is to advance policies and practices that improve the health, education, social, and economic well-being of all people with developmental and other disabilities, their families, and their communities.
- www.abwhe.org - The website of the Association of Black Women in Higher Education (ABWHE) lists career opportunities.
- www.AcademicDiversitySearch.com - With women and minorities as the target candidate pool, this nationwide resource is comprised of job posting advertisements, an extensive network and database of professionals, and executive search firm capabilities.
- www.HBCUConnect.com - The first and largest community for students, alumni, and supporters of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) maintains one of the largest online diversity resume databases, with thousands of active resumes and profiles that are less than 90 days old.
- www.LGBTinHigherEd.com - This jobs site is aimed at lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people within higher education.
- www.BlacksinHigherEd.com, www.HispanicsinHigherEd.com, and www.AsiansinHigherEd.com - These jobs sites list staff, faculty, and management job openings at colleges and universities.
- www.jbhe.com - This online publication, The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, lists job openings.
- www.wihe.com - The Women in Higher Education website addresses issues affecting women on campus.
- www.hispanicoutlook.com - The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education Magazine is a long-standing top information source and the sole Hispanic educational magazine for the higher education community.
- IMdiversity.com - a website dedicated to helping diverse individuals prepare for and find jobs in academia and elsewhere.
- Womenforhire.com - a website dedicated to helping women find jobs.
- Hirediversity.com - a website dedicated to helping employers connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds.
- Employdiversity.com - a website listing employers who hire for diversity and various job opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds.
- Diversityinc.com - a website that provides career advice for individuals from diverse backgrounds.