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    GSA Student Financial Assistance

    The GSA student financial assistance community is open to faculty and professional staff working in student financial assistance at AAMC member medical schools. The work of the medical school financial assistance community is led by the Committee on Student Financial Assistance (COSFA).

    Access resources on student financial assistance

    The GSA Committee on Student Financial Assistance (COSFA) consists of financial aid professionals at AAMC member medical schools and offers guidance on regulatory issues related to financial aid. 

    COSFA Committee Charge

    The mission of COSFA is to provide guidance on legislative and regulatory issues regarding type, availability, and delivery of financial assistance to medical students. COSFA achieves its mission through: 

    • Receipt of regular reports from the Association staff on the status of specific financial aid legislation and national Association data describing the distribution of financial aid to medical students. 
    • Consideration of educational and support programs and activities to assist schools in counseling medical students regarding the financing of their medical education and the repayment of student loans. 
    • Assist with the development of topics for AAMC/GSA conferences and learning opportunities, including webinars. 
    • Identification of special projects related to issues of national importance and interest. 
    • Participation in GSA Professional Development Conferences and other AAMC/GSA learning opportunities.

    Casey Wiley, MEd
    Manager of Financial Aid    
    University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville 

    I am humbled and honored to have be appointed to serve the dedicated and caring medical school financial aid community and the AAMC as Chair of the Committee on Student Financial Assistance (COSFA) for the 2024-2027 season. As one of five national committees of the Group on Student Affairs, COSFA serves in an advisory capacity to the GSA Steering Committee and the AAMC. Our committee has 9 members; the COSFA Chair, representatives from each of the four AAMC regions and the Committee of Student Diversity Affairs (COSDA), Liaisons from the Committees on Student Records (COSR) and Organization of Student Representatives (OSR), as well as the GSA National Chair.

    As a committee, COSFA has been charged to provide guidance to all of our members on legislative and regulatory issues regarding the type, availability, and delivery of financial assistance to medical students, and we endeavor to achieve this through:

    • Collaboration: Reviewing the regular and robust reports of the AAMC staff, particularly the FIRST team and other GSA committees as they strive to keep us abreast of relevant legislative and regulatory changes. Participating in and presenting at GSA and Professional Development Conferences and other learning opportunities.
    • Innovation: Developing new programming and topics for the AAMC/GSA Conferences, webinars, and other learning opportunities. Identifying issues of national importance and developing special projects to address them.

    As we move into our next chapter, the COSFA committee would like to express our deepest thanks and appreciation to our outgoing members: Cynthia Gonzalez (COSFA Chair), Marcy Verduin, MD (GSA National Chair), John Stiles, MEd (Central Region Representative), Michael Sabara, MEd (Northeast Region Representative), and Jessica Le Duc, MS (Western Region Representative). Each of you has done a yeoman’s work to bring us to where we are today. We would also like to welcome our new members, Sam Bahena (Central Region Representative), Justin Sandoval (Western Region Representative), Michael Sabara (Northeast Region Representative), and Joel Mauer, MD (GSA National Chair).

    Your COSFA Committee looks forward to continuing the work of the prior COSFA chairs and representatives. We encourage you to join us by participating in our community calls, attending your regional meetings, and engaging in the national professional development conference. Your feedback and involvement are crucial to our success. After all, our goal is to serve you, our colleagues in the medical school financial aid community.

    COSFA Committee Roster


    Casey Wiley, MEd
    Manager of Financial Aid    
    University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville
    November 2024–November 2027

    GSA National Chair

    Joel Mauer, MD
    Senior Faculty Advisor, Admissions & Careers
    Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
    November 2024–November 2025

    Central Region (CGSA) Representative

    Samuel Bahena
    Director of Student Financial Aid and Debt Management
    University of Illinois Chicago College of Medicine
    November 2024–November 2027

    Northeast Region (NEGSA) Representative

    Michael Sabara, MEd
    Director of Financial Services
    University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
    November 2021–November 2025

    Southern Region (SGSA) Representative

    Doug Stupec, MPA, FAAC
    Associate Director, Medical Student Financial Aid and Student Records
    Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine, Florida Atlantic University
    November 2023–November 2026

    Western Region (WGSA) Representative

    Anna Cosio, MBA
    Executive Director of Financial Aid 
    California University of Science and Medicine
    February 2025–November 2027

    Liaison to the Committee on Student Records (COSR)

    Chasity Hawkins, MEd, MBA
    Associate Director, Financial Planning & Registrar Services
    University of Texas at Tyler School of Medicine
    November 2023 –November 2025

    Committee on Student Diversity Affairs (COSDA) Liaison

    Ranna Nash, PhD
    Assistant Dean for Student Development 
    Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California
    November 2022 –November 2025

    Committee on Student Records (COSR) Liaison 

    Celeste Fowles Nguyen, EdD
    Registrar and Associate Director, Academic Operations
    Stanford University School of Medicine
    November 2023–November 2025

    AAMC Staff Liaison

    Irena Tartakovsky, MD, MS
    Director, Constituent Engagement