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GSA Professional Development Initiative

The role of student advocates in medical education is now more vital than ever. The dynamic and challenging medical school environment our students must face requires us to be at our best.

GSA Professional Development Initiative Logo

The GSA Professional Development Initiative aims to engage, support, and empower all GSA professionals to:

  • Realize their potential and a fulfilling career in student affairs.
  • Work collaboratively within and across student affairs areas at their schools.
  • Develop a strong network of collegial support in the student affairs medical school community.

The GSA PDI provides access to role-based critical behaviors, tailored career development tools and learning opportunities specific to student affairs professionals working in medical education. Review these pages for benchmark critical behaviors, career support tools and effective practices.

Four bubbles explaining the key components of the GSA Professional Development Initiative: the performance framework, high-value learning, professional development support, and community of practice.

GSA Performance Framework

The GSA Performance Framework outlines the critical behaviors that distinguish and define excellence for our work in student affairs in medical education. It is inclusive of all student advocacy roles and areas across the GSA community, and aligns with relevant LCME standards.

Explore the performance framework

GSA Support Toolkit

The toolkit is a collection of aids that aim to complement and enhance professional development practices and results across the GSA community. The tools were developed to specifically execute a continuous three-step process proven to help GSA professionals realize their potential and a fulfilling career in student affairs.

Review the toolkit

Explore Effective Practices

Excited to use the PDI to enhance your professional development or the development of your team? Check out these ideas from the field to get started.

Introduction to the GSA Professional Development Initiative Webinar

The first in a series of three webinars, this presentation introduces participants to the GSA Performance Framework Initiative.

GSA Professional Development Initiative in Action Webinar

This webinar explains how several schools – University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine, Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, and Florida International University, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine  have effectively used the GSA PDI.

A Practical Example of How to Use the GSA PDI

Learn how Florida International University's Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine assessed a specific program using the GSA PDI Framework. 

GSA PDI Community Calls

Watch the recordings

Future Resources

The GSA Professional Development Initiative Regional Teams are continuing work on future offerings to this programming, which include: 

  • A variety of High-Value Learning solutions that align with the GSA Framework and are flexible to meet the diverse development needs and learning preferences of our community; such as articles, books, certificate programs, courses, on-the-job learning, webinars, and workshops.
  • Virtual and in-person opportunities to build and sustain a Community of Practice with colleagues and experts to: build capabilities, address and anticipate needs and changes, and share learnings to foster excellence and growth.

Find more information about the members of the regional teams here.