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    Join the GSA

    The GSA is open to faculty and professional staff at AAMC member medical school with responsibilities for student support and services. Members of the GSA hold administrative positions in one or more of the five areas of GSA expertise: admissions, student affairs, student diversity affairs, student financial assistance, and student records. 

    By joining the GSA, you will join a listserv email community of student affairs professionals across the country. The listserv is used to post announcements, share opportunities, and ask questions.  

    By joining the listserv, you agree that you have read and will follow the Expectations and Rules throughout your AAMC listserv participation. In addition, your use of the listservs is governed by the AAMC Website Terms and Conditions and Privacy Statement. If you have any questions about these Expectations and Rules, please contact the group’s program staff at gsa@aamc.org. 

    Enroll in the GSA through this form. Upon eligibility review, you will be subscribed to the overall GSA listserv, your regional listserv, and the listserv specific to your area of work.

    All GSA: gsalist@lists.aamc.org 
    Central GSA: cgsalist@lists.aamc.org 
    Northeast GSA: negsalist@lists.aamc.org 
    Southern GSA: sgsalist@lists.aamc.org 
    Western GSA: wgsalist@lists.aamc.org 
    Admissions: gsaadmissions@lists.aamc.org 
    Student Affairs: gsastudentaffairs@lists.aamc.org 
    Student Diversity Affairs: gsadiversityaffairsreps@lists.aamc.org 
    Student Financial Assistance: gsafinancialaid@lists.aamc.org  
    Student Records: gsastudentrecords@lists.aamc.org