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    GSA Committee on Student Affairs (COSA)

    The GSA National Committee on Student Affairs (COSA) provides guidance on issues related to student support and services, including personal advising, career advising; the health and well-being of medical students; the ethical and professional development of students; academic support and resources, and the preparation of students for the transition from medical school to residency.

    Committee Charge

    The Committee discusses issues of national interest that are brought to its attention by GSA constituents, inclusive of students, and AAMC staff. The Committee may identify projects, where an issue is of national importance and interest. The Committee is advisory to the GSA Steering Committee and, as such, makes regular reports to the Steering Committee and seeks approval of the Steering Committee for special projects.

    Message from the Chair

    I am honored to serve as the Committee on Student Affairs (COSA) chair. Whether you are new to the student affairs community or a seasoned veteran with stories to share, each of you are dedicated to our mission to support the educational journey of our students.  This can, at times, be the hardest, yet most rewarding work of our careers.

    COSA is a place where the larger community can advocate for change. We do this through our deeply rooted culture of collaboration amongst distinct areas of expertise within student affairs and across the educational continuum. This approach speaks to my own professional values that we are better together and when all voices are represented at the table. The Committee exists to listen to what you are experiencing and gather information for problem-solving in development of new initiatives. Communication is the key to doing this well and I look forward to leading COSA in engaging with you to best focus our work on what will positively impact you and your students.

    The heart of student affairs begins with the dedicated individuals that are drawn to the work and share both the joy and heartache of our students. As a basic scientist faculty member with little awareness of student affairs early in my career, the community of practice that surrounds COSA was instrumental in my professional and leadership development.  It has also been a lifeline through transitions and challenges for many of us who have found support from our colleagues during difficult times. This work will continue over the next few years as we continue to find opportunities to build community and facilitate mentorship and professional growth to support your individual journeys.

    Cherie Singer, Ph.D.
    National Chair, GSA Committee on Student Affairs
    Associate Dean for Student Affairs at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine

    Member Resources

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    COSA Committee Roster


    Cherie A. Singer, PhD
    Senior Associate Dean for Student Affairs
    University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine
    November 2023 - November 2026

    GSA National Chair-Elect

    Joel Maurer, MD
    Senior Faculty Advisor in Admissions and Careers
    Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
    November 2023 - November 2024

    Committee on Student Diversity Affairs (COSDA) Representative 

    Kristin Powell Reavis, MD, MBS
    Assistant Dean for Student Diversity and Inclusion 
    University of Maryland School of Medicine 
    November 2022 - November 2025

    Central Region (CGSA) Representative

    Corey Koperski, MS
    Student Programs Administrator, Grand Rapids Community Campus
    Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
    April 2022 - November 2026

    Northeast Region (NEGSA) Representative

    Katherine Chretien, MD
    Associate Dean for Medical Student Affairs
    Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
    November 2021 - November 2025

    Southern Region (SGSA) Representative

    Jennifer Caceres, MD
    Senior Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions
    Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University
    November 2023 - November 2026

    Western Region (WGSA) Representative

    Stephanie K. Zia, MD
    Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
    Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California
    November 2022 - November 2025

    AAMC Staff Liaison

    Irena Tartakovsky, MD, MS
    Director, Constituent Engagement