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    Awards and Grants - CGEA

    CGEA Spring Meeting Award Winners

    The CGEA recognizes the top participants in various categories during its annual meeting.

    CGEA Medical Education Laureate

    The CGEA Laureate Award is used to recognize senior members of the group (end of career award) and to reinforce the importance of contributions from individuals from all career levels.

    Individuals who are nominated for the award should have exhibited one or more of the following contributions to the CGEA:

    • Leadership: Significantly shaped, re-organized, or otherwise enhanced the direction of CGEA.
    • Development of Other Medical Educators: Provided high caliber faculty development, mentoring, and/or guidance to young investigators in medical education.
    • CGEA Annual Program: Made significant contributions to the structure and or format of the CGEA annual program, outstanding record of presentations to CGEA.
    • Standard Setter: Epitomizes the highest standards in medical education profession through on-going scholarly contributions that advance the discipline of medical education in the CGEA.

    CGEA Collaborative Grants

    The Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA) Collaborative Grant promotes scholarship in medical education and advances the community of scholarship within the Central region.

    2021-2022 CGEA MESRE Grant Awardees

    Principal Investigator: Jeffrey J.H. Cheung, PhD
    Title of the study: How do Editors of Medical Education Journals View the Role of Journals in Expanding Diversity, Inclusion, and Access to Scholarly Publishing?

    Co-Principal Investigators: Adrienne Salentiny, PhD and Boyung Suh, PhD
    Title of the study: Teaching Together: A Multi-Institutional Approach to Faculty Development on Medical Education

    Principal Investigator: Ingrid Woelfel, MD
    Title of the study: Exploring residents’ approaches to growing their own clinical decision-making skills during general surgical residency

    Past CGEA Collaborative Grant Recipients