Organization of Student Representatives (OSR)
The Organization of Student Representatives (OSR) represents medical students nationwide and provides an active role in advancing the AAMC mission to improve the nation’s health.
The AAMC Report on Residents provides information on residency applicants and residents, as well as information on post-residency professional activities.
- Nov. 18, 2024
- Personal Branding
- Utilizing the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS)
- OSR 101
- Medical Students and GME Funding
- Three-Year MD Pathway
- Telemedicine in Healthcare
- The Role of Technology in Healthcare
- Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs): Measuring Readiness for Residency Webinar
Additional Resources
Organization of Student Representatives
The OSR was created in 1971 to facilitate the expression of students' ideas and views, incorporate students into the governance of the AAMC, foster the exchange of ideas among students and other concerned groups, and facilitate student action on health care issues.
The Organization of Student Representatives (OSR) fulfills a unique role among medical student organizations. As part of the AAMC, it provides all United States M.D. medical students with a voice in the nation's largest association dedicated solely to the advancement of academic medicine. The OSR provides medical students with an active role in achieving AAMC's mission to improve the nation's health through the advancement of academic medicine. Additionally, the OSR seeks to ensure that students actively participate in directing their educations, preserving their rights, and delineating their professional responsibilities. To this end, the OSR provides medical students with a voice in academic medicine at a national level and strives to foster student involvement and awareness in this arena at a local level.
Goals and Priorities
Strategic Goals
- To provide medical student input on issues addressed by the AAMC and state and federal governments that will impact student education, quality of life, or professional development.
- To develop and Implement OSR initiatives and aid in the development and implementation of AAMC initiatives.
- To facilitate communication between student bodies of different medical schools and between medical student organizations regarding issues relevant to medical student life and education.
- To encourage education techniques and objectives that provide medical students with the intellectual skills, professional standards, and knowledge required to meet the needs of an evolving health care system.
- To assure a safe, supportive learning environment free of abuse, unreasonable health risks, bias, and inequities.
- To assure that all medical students possess equal freedom and opportunity to pursue the career directions of their choice.
- To advance the development of leadership skills among medical students through participation in local and national OSR positions.
National Priorities
- Student finances and the cost of medical education
- Transition to residency
- Wellness and resilience
- Diversity, inclusion, and retention
- Government relations and student advocacy
- Educational practices and innovations
- Humanism in medicine
- Professional development and collaboration
Administrative Board
The OSR Administrative Board is comprised of 12 OSR primary representatives. The OSR Ad Board sets the agenda and priorities for the OSR and manages all the national activities and projects.
National Committees
The OSR has five standing national committees in assigned areas of OSR interests. Committees are comprised of a national delegate, who serves on the OSR Administrative Board, and a regional delegate from each region. The committees work on specific projects within their subject area during their one-year term.
- Communications Committee
- Community and Diversity Committee
- Legislative Affairs Committee
- Medical Education Committee
- Student Affairs Committee
National Officers’ Roles
OSR liaisons serve as the primary link between the OSR and AAMC Committees, AAMC professional development groups, and external organizations.
Regional Officers
Regional officers work with the five national committees to assist the OSR Administrative Board with national projects and interests.
Representatives for the OSR are selected by AAMC member medical schools. The role of OSR representatives is to monitor activities at their institutions, represent student opinions to the OSR Administrative Board (Ad Board), and relay national OSR and AAMC priorities to the students and staff of their institutions. Representatives may include up to one primary and four alternate institutional representatives from each of the 145 U.S. LCME accredited medical schools. OSR associate representatives are medical students who are enrolled in Canadian medical schools, though they do not have voting privileges.
The OSR listservs provide a venue for the exchange of information among OSR representatives. E-mailing through the OSR national listserv is a fast and convenient way to disseminate information and communicate with OSR reps across the nation.
- National: All official primary and alternate representatives are automatically subscribed upon certification by your student affairs office. Based at the AAMC, this listserv is maintained by OSR staff.
- Regional: The AAMC provides regional listservs for all official primary and alternate representatives in your respective region. Reps are automatically subscribed to a respective region upon certification. Contact your regional chair or OSR staff at for more information.
- Legislative Affairs: This list is a forum for discussion of legislative affairs topics pertinent to OSR reps and to encourage communication among reps with interest in legislative affairs issues. Based at the AAMC, this listserv is maintained by OSR staff.
The listserv is not an appropriate avenue for distributing surveys/personal research projects without Ad Board knowledge. If you have a question about if your project is appropriate for distribution on the listserv, please contact OSR staff at
Listserv Questionnaire Results
OSR reps periodically seek informal data and information through the OSR listserv on medical school programs and policies regarding various issues such as curricular changes, testing, funding, etc. The responses to these queries are collected from the OSR listserv and listed as PDFs. You can request archived questionnaire results by emailing
The Arnold P. Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award
The Arnold P. Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award, administered through the OSR, annually honors a medical school faculty physician (M.D. or D.O. degree) who exemplifies the qualities of a caring and compassionate mentor in the teaching and advising of medical students. The nominee must also possess the desirable personal qualities necessary to the practice of patient-centered medicine by teaching ethics, empathy, and service by example.
The goal of the award is to emphasize, reinforce, and enhance the importance of humanistic qualities among medical school students and faculty. The presence of a caring, compassionate, and collaborative learning environment serves as positive reinforcement to prospective physicians of the desirability of such qualities in the doctor-patient relationship.
Learn more
Rules and Regulations
Official governance and administration information for members of the Organization of Student Representatives.
Questions about OSR?
Contact AAMCAAMC Action
Learn more about how AAMC Action is fighting to protect graduate medical education (GME) funding.
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