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    National Officers' Roles

    Administrative Board

    The OSR Administrative Board is comprised of 12 Primary Institutional OSR Representatives. The OSR Ad Board sets the agenda and priorities for the OSR and manages all of the activities and projects. The OSR Chair's position is a three-year commitment (Chair-Elect, Chair, Immediate Past Chair) to ensure continuity and long-range planning. The other members of the Ad Board include four regional chairs and five National Delegates. All of the positions on the Ad Board are time consuming and require a tremendous amount of dedication and hard work. These positions are opportunities to work with other leaders on a national level to address the concerns and issues of all medical students. Basic responsibilities of all OSR Ad Board members:

    • Strong commitment to expressing the perspective of medical students at large (as opposed to personal opinions)
    • Attend four OSR Ad Board meetings in Washington, D.C., the regional meeting in the spring, and the AAMC Annual Meeting in the fall
    • Attend monthly Ad Board conference calls
    • Become familiar with AAMC groups, staff, and operations
    • Plan the OSR Annual Meeting program
    • Review proposals and projects
    • Work with OSR staff on the completion of projects
    • Serve on the Nominating or Humanism in Medicine Selection Committee
    • Submit a written report two weeks before each Ad Board meeting
    • Read and answer e-mail promptly
    • Communicate effectively
    • Commit to improvements in medical education and the OSR
    • Maintain contact with local OSR reps
    • Provide serious and substantial input during meetings
    • Work as a team to reach consensus
    • Listen
    • Work hard!

    Contact OSR Ad Board Officers


    This position is a three-year commitment that requires not only attendance at meetings throughout the three-year term, but also hard work, writing, communication, and research between meetings. The first year as Chair-Elect is spent learning AAMC and OSR processes and assisting the OSR National Chair in the planning and implementation of OSR activities and projects. Although the Chair-Elect is primarily a year of training and apprenticeship to the Chair, it is an important position with many time intensive duties. The second year as Chair, is even more time consuming, requiring attendance at numerous organizational meetings and setting the agenda for the Ad Board. The third year, as Immediate Past Chair, is spent aiding the transition for the new Board and completing projects. Other Responsibilities:

    • Chair the OSR Annual Meeting Program Planning Committee
    • Serve on the OSR Nominating Committee
    • Serve on the Group on Educational Affairs (GEA) or Group on Student Affairs (GSA) Steering Committee
    • Weekly conference calls with OSR staff
    • Preside or otherwise serve in the absence of the Chair
    • Succeed the Chair in that office at the completion of his/her term of office


    The Chair of the OSR represents student concerns and serves as the OSR's primary voice to the AAMC and to outside student organizations. The Chair guides the operations of the OSR Ad Board, sets the agenda for Ad Board meetings and conference calls, and directs long-term planning for the organization. The year as Chair is time consuming and requires hard work, commitment, communication, research, action, and careful review of proposed items. The position demands a team attitude and a conception of leadership that emphasizes helping others to succeed in their projects and ideas. The Chair of the OSR guides and nurtures the process of developing leadership for him/herself, the Ad Board, and for the entire OSR. The most valuable products of the OSR, ultimately, are developing leaders for the future of academic medicine. Other responsibilities include:

    • Represent fairly and accurately the issues, initiatives, and interests of all medical students, the OSR, and the OSR Ad Board
    • Guide the consensus process to reach decisions
    • Listen carefully
    • Weekly conference calls with OSR staff
    • Chair the Arnold P. Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award Selection Committee
    • Service on the Group on Educational Affairs (GEA) or Group on Student Affairs (GSA) Steering Committee
    • Represent the OSR to other student organizations

    Immediate Past-Chair

    The third year, as Immediate Past Chair, is spent helping with the transition for the new Ad Board and completing projects. The Immediate Past Chair also Chairs the Nominating Committee.

    Regional Chairs

    The regional chairs organize OSR regional meetings held in the spring, direct attention towards region-specific issues, serve as a conduit of information from the Administrative Board to individual OSR representatives, and coordinate information exchange within the region. Regional chairs are elected within each region at the spring meetings; they serve on the Ad Board for a year, beginning with the Annual Meeting following their election. Other responsibilities include:

    • Ensure that students in your region are informed of AAMC and OSR Ad Board activities
    • Maintain contact with regional reps via e-mail
    • Communicate and work with regional delegates on regional issues
    • Utilize regional reps to complete regional projects

    National Delegates

    Five National Delegates are members of the OSR Ad Board and, in addition, each Chair a "standing committee" that includes a regional delegate from each region. These committees work on specific projects within their subject area during their one-year term. In the past, projects have included formulating a student approach to curriculum reform, implementing cross-cultural education modules, and coordinating legislative advocacy.

    • Maintain contact with regional delegates via e-mail and regularly scheduled conference calls (at least four calls per year)
    • Provide support and ideas for regional projects and efforts Medical Education: Includes classroom and curricular issues. Within this arena, there are many opportunities for student involvement: discussion of model curricula for particular topics, professionalism in both pre-clinical and clinical settings, and policy for major, compulsory exams. Communications: Assist with keeping reps informed of Ad Board and AAMC activities through listserv messages and written reports. Oversee the OSR Newsletter and OSR communications. Legislative Affairs: Stay abreast of what is occurring on Capitol Hill regarding medical education and communicate with the AAMC's Office of Governmental Relations. Student Affairs: Address student well-being issues and work with the GSA. Community and Diversity: Promote cultural awareness, community service, and diversity within medical education

    Regional Delegates

    • Attend OSR Annual and regional meetings
    • Work with respective National Delegate/committee to initiate and complete projects
    • Initiate and collaborate on regional projects
    • Participate in committee conference calls
    • Distribute information to reps in your region about national projects
    • Work as a team
    • Read and respond to e-mail

    Administrative Board Funding

    The AAMC funds all Administrative Board members to attend four Administrative Board meetings during the year. The AAMC does not pay expenses for regional meetings as the Board does not meet. The AAMC will also cover all reasonable expenses incurred while carrying out the duties of office, such as telephone and mailing costs.