The AAMC provides several resources to assist member institutions in planning and hosting their Research-Based Project Medical Education (PME) event. These downloadable resources include a planning manual, outlines for each of the three methods for a research-based PME, sample agendas, and template materials.
Explore our resources if you’re interested in hosting a traditional PME event.
Planning Materials
The PME Planning Manual, which can also be used for a traditional PME event, lists out the steps necessary to host a successful Research-Based PME event and provides tips for completing these steps. It also provides a timeline that allows hosts to check off steps as they are accomplished.
Project Medical Education Planning Manual (PDF)
We have also created a list of best practices and social media suggestions to assist with promoting your PME.
- Best Practices for Hosting a Research-Based PME (PDF)
- Suggestions for Sharing Your PME on Social Media (PDF)
Blocks of Instruction
The block-based version of a Research-Based PME program consists of five blocks of instruction. Each block outline provides the key takeaway messages and topics for discussion, along with suggested interactive activities and a list of resources that can help foster discussion and be used as handouts. The block outlines are meant to serve as base suggestions. Some topics may not apply to your institution, or you may wish to cover topics not listed. You should always tailor your program and presentations to your institution and your audience. AAMC staff can assist with this.
We have also developed sample agendas (PDF) for the block method that you can use based on the length of your Research-Based PME event.
- Welcome and Overview (PDF)
- Becoming a Researcher (PDF)
- The Bench-to-Bedside-to-Community Continuum (PDF)
- Medical Research Funding (PDF)
- Graduation and Wrap-Up (PDF)
Research From Bench to Bedside to Community
This Research-Based PME program outline (PDF) provides information on medical research and related topics over the course of a program following research from the bench to the bedside to the community. Participants begin in the laboratory discussing current research and funding mechanisms, among other topics, with a researcher or researchers. They then meet with young researchers, medical students, residents, or physicians who are engaging in translational research. The program concludes with a session involving clinical research and patients who have benefited from it.
Case Studies in Research
The case studies approach (PDF) allows hosts to focus on a few interesting research projects or programs at their institutions and use them to discuss various topics in and information about medical research. Participants cycle through presentations on each project or program, discussing its goals and possibilities, how it is funded, and other topics. They also discuss the researcher’s background as a way to address how various individuals enter research and why.
Budget and Planning Worksheets
The AAMC provides a template budget worksheet to assist hosts in determining and maintaining a budget for their PME event. We also provide a planning and logistics worksheet to allow hosts to track the logistical steps necessary while planning their PME.
- Budget Worksheet (Excel)
- Planning and Logistics Worksheet (Excel)
- Planning and Logistics Worksheet (Word)
Customizable Metaphor Handouts and Other Template Materials
To accompany the blocks of instruction and to extend the metaphor of participants being a medical student, resident, and researcher, the AAMC provides a set of customizable materials including sample student profiles, course financing information, match results and residency program outlines. We also provide sample invitations, a sample certificate of completion, and sample evaluation forms. We have also provided a visual representation of the medical research continuum for you to use during your PME event, either as a handout or in a Powerpoint presentation. A thumbnail of the graphic can be seen to the right.
- Template Materials (zip file)
- Research Continuum Graphic - Image Only (PDF)
- Research Continuum Graphic - With Text (PDF)