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Faculty Roster: U.S. Medical School Faculty

U.S. Medical School Deans by Dean Type and Race/Ethnicity (URiM vs. non-URiM)

The chart below displays a 30-year trend of the percentages of permanent, interim, and acting deans at all U.S. medical schools by dean type and race/ethnicity (URiM vs. non-URiM) based on December 31 snapshots.

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Note: The official AAMC definition of underrepresented in medicine is at is at https://www.aamc.org/what-we-do/diversity-inclusion/underrepresented-in-medicine: “Underrepresented in medicine means those racial and ethnic populations that are underrepresented in the medical profession relative to their numbers in the general population.” This definition accommodates including and removing underrepresented groups on the basis of changing demographics of society and the profession, a shift in focus from a national perspective to a regional or local perspective on underrepresentation, and data collection and reporting on a broad range of racial and ethnic self-descriptions. The high-level race/ethnicity categories at the AAMC are American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Black or African American; Hispanic or Latino; Middle Eastern or North African; Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; White; and Some other race or ethnicity. An individual may fall into one or more of these race/ethnicity categories. For the purposes of this particular display, Underrepresented in Medicine (“URiM”) includes all deans who are not White only and/or Asian only, including deans with “other” race/ethnicity and including deans with multiple races/ethnicities where at least one race/ethnicity is not White or Asian (e.g., a dean who is Black and White is considered URiM); “Non-URiM” includes all deans who are White only, Asian only, or White and Asian only.

Note: Deans with missing race/ethnicity data are excluded. Fewer than 3% of deans were excluded for missing data in each snapshot year.

Source: December 31 snapshots, AAMC Council of Deans as of January 2024.

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