Coming Up (all times EST):
Month | Activity | Date/Time (all times Eastern) |
July | CFAS Connects | Thursday, July 25, 3 - 4 pm |
July | CFAS DEI Committee Leadership Team monthly meeting | Monday, July 29, 1 - 2 pm |
Videos on the Value of CFAS
- An introduction to CFAS
- The Value of CFAS for Faculty Members – from Junior Faculty to the Dean’s Office
2024 CFAS-GRA-ORR Spring Meeting
CFAS Connects: CFAS Faculty and Organizational Well-Being Committee Update
CFAS Connects: Advocacy Awareness as a CFAS Rep
CFAS Connects: Leveraging AAMC Data to Advance Faculty Interest
Learn Serve Lead 2023 Summary Materials
CFAS Connects: Exploring Leadership in Academic Medicine
CFAS Connects is a monthly hour-long Zoom forum for the CFAS representative community that addresses a range of activities within the council or explores broad topics of interest to faculty in academic medicine. The sessions minimize didactic presentation and instead focuses on discussion, knowledge and resource sharing, and community building.
CFAS Connects: The Real World of the CMO
CFAS Connects: Mission Accepted: Sustaining Faculty for Success as Medical Educators – A Checkup on Progress
2023 CFAS Spring Meeting Summary
An Overview of CFAS and the AAMC
An Orientation to the AAMC and CFAS (PDF)
CFAS Listserv:
CFAS News: This newsletter reports on the comings and goings of major figures at medical schools and teaching hospitals; the trends and trendsetters influencing the field; and news and happenings in biomedical research, medical education, and patient care. Subscribe to CFAS News and check out the People of Academic Medicine page for a running list of academic appointments, promotions, and departures.
CFAS Rep Bulletin: A newsletter sent every other month for and about CFAS. Contents include updates on planning for future meetings, rep profiles, academic society profiles, and information about key advocacy issues. Read the latest edition. View an archive of past editions of the CFAS Rep Bulletin.
CFAS Knowledge Sharing Techniques (PDF): A resource that describes how CFAS reps can share information about CFAS with their home institutions, along with other ways to be an effective CFAS rep.
CFAS Tweet Chats: CFAS has hosted several tweet chats over the years on important topics in academic medicine, bringing together faculty members at academic health centers and academic society representatives across the country to engage in conversations on Twitter to share best practices and discuss important issues from a breadth of perspectives and disciplines. For every CFAS tweet chat, anyone is free to participate using #CFASChat.
- CFAS tweet chat about diversity and inclusion (PPT)
- Joint CFAS/Medical Humanities Tweet Chat at LSL 2019
- CFAS COVID-19 Disparities Tweet Chat Summary
- CFAS COVID-19 Disparities Tweet Chat Resources
- CFAS Tweet Chat on Well-Being in Academic Medicine PPT | PDF
- CFAS-ROCC Tweet Chat on COVID-19 Research
Resources for New & Current CFAS Representatives
- Guide to Being a CFAS Rep (PDF)
- Benefits of CFAS Membership (PDF)
- AAMC Acronym Guide (PDF)
AAMC Learning and Leadership Activities for Faculty
- Being a Resilient Leader. A two-day interactive workshop that covers what it is to be a resilient leader and how to exercise leadership to achieve desired results, sustained impact, long-term professional engagement, and personal satisfaction.
- Early Career Women Faculty Professional Development Seminar. Provides women at the assistant professor or instructor level with the knowledge and skills required to navigate the academic medicine enterprise, as well as to continue on the path to leadership.
- Mid-Career Women Faculty Professional Development Seminar. Builds knowledge and skills required for leadership in academic medicine.
- Executive Development Seminar for Aspiring Leaders. Participants gain knowledge vital to leadership, including organizational culture and management, interpersonal and inter-organizational communication strategies, and personnel management.
- What You Don't Know: The Science of Unconscious Bias and What to Do About It in the Search and Recruitment Process. E-learning, created for academic medicine audiences, to acquaint search committees and others with research to help mitigate effects of unconscious bias.
- Minority Faculty Career Development Seminar. Designed for junior faculty (senior clinical and research fellows, instructors, and assistant professors) and postdocs (MD, MD/PhDs, and PhDs) who aspire to leadership positions in academic medicine.
- Mid-career Minority Faculty Development Seminar. A new pilot program designed for individuals at the associate professor level which addresses specific needs of mid-career faculty from a culturally responsive approach offering skill-building and strategies for pursuing career advancement in academic medicine.
AAMC-wide Initiatives Integrating or Targeting Faculty
- Well-being in Academic Medicine. Well-being in academic medicine has emerged as a critical issue facing faculty, physicians, and researchers. These resources help explain and address the challenges.
- StandPoint Surveys. A central element of a suite of services designed to help institutions assess faculty needs and implement strategic, evidence-based changes to enhance individual and organizational outcomes. The full-service survey administration includes all technical and communications assistance, provides executive summaries and peer benchmarking reports across ranges of demographics and department variables, and offers customizable options.
- Convey. An AAMC initiative to relieve the regulatory burden on faculty by providing a secure online system that promises to simplify the process for faculty, researchers, and physicians who submitting financial interest disclosures by serving as a single repository of all financial interests and disclosures made.
- Workgroup to Define Faculty. The AAMC leadership asked CFAS to lead in a multi-affinity group effort to define faculty and reach consensus on some of the key questions and issues related to who, exactly, comprises faculty at U.S. academic medical centers. The group will meet in person and via conference calls several times throughout 2015, and will conclude its work by writing and submitting to the AAMC Board of Directors a white paper stating its position and making recommendations.
AAMC Data and Services about Faculty
- AAMC Faculty Roster. This database provides online access to a variety of school-specific reports, national reports, and benchmarking reports on full-time faculty and chairs. Faculty roster reports include data on retention, promotion, alumni, demographics, degrees, and departments. Users can analyze trends on full-time faculty from 1966 to the present.
- AAMC Faculty Salary Survey. This database provides faculty access to compensation information broken out in a variety of ways, such as by department/specialty, degree, and rank, as well as by a medical school’s private status and region of the country. Standard data displays are available to member medical schools in a paper publication as well as an online format.
- The State of Women in Academic Medicine. A biennial report presents the findings of the Women in Medicine and Science Benchmarking Survey and describes the representation of women in academic medicine (from applicants to medical school across key career stages). The data and recommendations are designed to support advocacy for the advancement of women in academic medicine.