Improve your writing and learn how to successfully navigate the peer-review and publication processes with this free webinar series hosted by the editorial teams of Academic Medicine and MedEdPORTAL.
Sessions will cover the importance of publishing your education scholarship and practical suggestions for how to do so successfully. Sessions will include interactive exercises to practice what you have learned and time for Q&A with the featured speakers.
All are invited to attend. Register for the complete series.
Upcoming sessions
Be sure to check back as additional sessions will be added to this series.
Past sessions
"The Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools in the Scholarly Publishing Process: Considerations and Practical Suggestions for Scholars"
Sept. 10, 2024
Speakers with experience as researchers and publishers addressed the opportunities and challenges that AI affords to scholars and the scholarly publishing process. They explored when and how scholars can use AI tools in writing up and publishing their research and scholarship, including considerations and practical suggestions for how to do so responsibly.
Recording | Slides | Key Takeaways and Helpful Resources (coming soon)
"Effective Publication Strategies: 12 Tips for Selecting the Right Journal for Your Research and Scholarship"
June 24, 2024
Speakers presented strategies for finding the right home for your scholarship and maximizing your publication success. They also shared the recently updated AAMC Group on Educational Affairs (GEA) Medical Education Scholarship Research and Evaluation (MESRE) Annotated Bibliography, an essential, trusted resource for publishing in academic medicine.
Recording | Slides | Key Takeaways and Helpful Resources
"A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Peer Review: Insights From Editors and Reviewers"
April 18, 2024
Speakers who hold roles as editors and reviewers presented an overview of the peer-review process, provided practical advice on how to conduct a meaningful peer review, and shared insights into writing reviewer comments that are useful to editors and actionable for authors.
Recording | Slides | Key Takeaways and Helpful Resources
“Disrupting the Definition of Scholarship: Advancing Your Career with Nontraditional Scholarship”
Feb. 7, 2024
Speakers explored the evolution of how nontraditional scholarship is “counted” toward career advancement and drew from personal experience to discuss the innovative modes of scholarship development and dissemination that have furthered their work and careers.
Recording | Slides | Key Takeaways and Helpful Resources | Handout
"ChatGPT: Transforming Scholarly Pursuits with Conversational AI"
Dec. 15, 2023
This session explored ChatGPT’s impact on scholarship by discussing its historical significance, predictive power, and transformative potential.
Recording | Slides | Key Moments and Helpful Resources
"Responding to Peer Review: Insights for Successfully Revising Your Manuscript"
Sept. 29, 2023
This session featured speakers experienced in writing and revising manuscripts and in reviewing and making decisions about what gets published (and what doesn’t). They share insights and provide guidance on best practices for receiving and responding to feedback from peer reviewers and editors.
Recording | Slides | Key Moments and Helpful Resources
"Ready to Help! Partnering with Your Medical Librarian to Maximize Scholarly Success"
Aug. 18, 2023
Speakers discuss practical strategies for successfully partnering with medical librarians to amplify the impact of education scholarship. They also offer insights into the benefits and risks of using AI in research and explore how medical librarians can guide educators in navigating this evolving landscape.
Recording | Slides | Key Moments and Helpful Resources
"Using Inclusive Language in Scholarly Writing: A Roundtable Discussion"
July 13, 2023
Panelists discuss the principles of using inclusive language across their roles as scholars, authors, reviewers, and editors and offer practical strategies for writing that aligns with inclusive language best practices and welcomes the diversity of all people and their identities.
Recording | Key Moments and Helpful Resources
“Writing Effective Titles and Abstracts: Making Your Scholarship Stand Out”
June 30, 2023
This session provides an overview of what editors look for during the peer-review process. The speakers discuss strategies for writing effective titles and abstracts for all types of scholarly publications.
Recording | Slides | Key Moments and Helpful Resources
“What Editors Want: Tips for Good Scholarly Writing”
May 19, 2023
This session highlights best practices for writing clearly and concisely to increase the chances that your education scholarship will be accepted for publication.
Recording | Slides | Key Moments and Helpful Resources
“Publishing in Academic Medicine: Editors' Insights and Tips for Success”
March 31, 2023
This session introduces participants to Academic Medicine, its focus areas, and editorial process. Tips for successful publication are shared, and available resources for authors are described.
Recording | Slides | Key Moments and Helpful Resources
“Converting Your Teaching and Assessment into Scholarship Through MedEdPORTAL”
Feb. 23, 2023
This session serves as a primer on MedEdPORTAL. Speakers share strategies for publishing educational resources in MedEdPORTAL, the characteristics of a successful submission, and how to use the journal as a repository for peer-reviewed materials.
Recording | Slides | Key Moments and Helpful Resources
“Disseminating Your Educational Innovations Through Scholarship”
Jan. 27, 2023
This session reviews principles of educational scholarship and how to frame and prepare scholarly teaching as potential submissions to medical education journals.
Recording | Slides | Key Moments and Helpful Resources