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    Researcher Spotlight

    In the spirit of the former AAMC Annual Health Workforce Research Conference, our new spotlight initiative draws your attention to specific health workforce researchers who are making a positive impact with research and data. We begin with two members of AAMC’s Workforce Studies team, Roz Kelly and Xiaochu Hu, PhD. If you are interested in having your research displayed on the Researcher Spotlight page, email us at workforce@aamc.org.

    Roz Kelly

    Meet Roz Kelly, Senior Research Analyst of the Workforce Studies team at The Association of American Medical Colleges. Roz works on the AAMC Consumer Survey of Health Care Access and the recently launched U.S. Physician Workforce Dashboard. The Consumer Survey complements ongoing research on the physician workforce by providing the consumer perspective on access to care. The U.S. Physician Workforce Data Dashboard provides the most current data available about the physician workforce across specialties in a series of interactive dashboards, allowing users to explore physician data by location, specialty, and characteristics of interest (e.g., sex, age, race or ethnicity). Learn more about the U.S. Physician Workforce Data Dashboard.

    Xiaochu Hu, PhD

    Xiaochu Hu

    Meet Xiaochu Hu, PhD, Manager of Workforce Studies at the Association of American Medical College. Xiaochu has worked on the AAMC’s Health Workforce Research Conference and the National Sample Survey of Physicians project. Xiaochu has led numerous research papers that appeared in JAMA Network Open, Journal of Women’s Health, and Health Affairs. She is also serving as the Chair of the Health Workforce Interest Group Advisory Committee of AcademyHealth. Find more information about the NSSP data or Workforce Studies’ publications.