Promising Practices For Promoting Faculty Engagement and Retention at U.S. Medical Schools (2017 Version)
Promising Practices for Promoting Faculty Engagement and Retention at U.S. Medical Schools examines how insight from StandPoint™ Surveys has helped improve employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention at 12 U.S. medical schools. The publication includes a series of aggregate data from surveys conducted between 2013-2016, representing more than 23,000 faculty respondents, and examines the practices of 12 schools who used the survey data to develop and implement strategies that resulted in positive organizational change.
Download the Promising Practices publication (printer-friendly), or to request a free printed version of the publication, please contact the Standpoint Surveys team.
Promising Practices For Promoting Faculty Engagement and Retention at U.S. Medical Schools (2013 Version)
From 2008–2013, the AAMC conducted Faculty Forward (now StandPoint Surveys), a peer-learning program designed to help member medical schools enhance the engagement of faculty to address the high cost of turnover. Organizational management research has shown a strong link between employee (i.e., faculty) engagement and retention, as well as with organizational performance. In total, 33 AAMC-member medical schools participated in Faculty Forward, and six of these schools completed two cycles of surveying and action planning. This document provides select Faculty Forward data from 2011 to describe the context of faculty engagement at participating schools and highlights the action plans and lessons learned at the six schools who participated twice. The hope is the dissemination of their experiences will help inform ongoing efforts to build faculty engagement at medical schools across the country.