The AAMC/ADEA Dental Loan Organizer and Calculator (DLOC) is offered through a partnership between the AAMC and ADEA. It’s free to currently enrolled dental students, graduates and residents.
Please note: The DLOC is specific to dental students and graduates. If you're a medical school or other health professions student, see the MedLoans® Organizer and Calculator.
First time using the Dental Loan Organizer and Calculator?
Existing AAMC account
- If you have an AAMC account, but don't have access to DLOC, sign in to your AAMC account.
- Once you’re signed in, follow the instructions on how to add loans or upload your federal loans from the Federal Student Aid website.
New AAMC account
- If you don’t have an AAMC Account, select “Create Account” from the sign in page to complete your registration.
- Once you’ve created your AAMC account, you can access the Dental Loan Organizer and Calculator by signing in with your AAMC username and password.
- Once you’re signed in, follow the instructions on how to add loans or upload your federal loans from the Federal Student Aid website.
For returning users with DLOC access
If you have previously logged into DLOC, sign in to your AAMC account. Once you’re signed in, you should be redirected to the Dental Loan Organizer and Calculator.