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  • Professional Service

ERAS® Insights


Each month we’ll share updates about the AAMC Electronic Residency Application Service® (ERAS®) and how our focus on our three priority areas is improving the transition to residency process. The ERAS team is prioritizing selection tools, data analytics, and thought leadership and research to support the transition to residency in a fair and equitable way.

We are focused on the future and helping to build tomorrow’s physician workforce.

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Help Shape Future ERAS Content by Joining Focus Groups

Representatives from specialty groups, fellowship directors, and student affairs professionals -- your voice is essential in shaping future ERAS content, and we want to hear your feedback in a series of upcoming structured focus groups.

Contact us with your name, program/school affiliation, and your role (fellowship director, residency director, student affairs, medical student or resident) to receive more information.

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