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Undergraduate Medical Education (UME)

The Section on Undergraduate Medical Education of the GEA  promotes excellence in the education of medical students from selection to graduation and contributes to the health of the public.

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Two pioneers — former U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher, MD, PhD, and Obamacare expert Daniel Dawes, JD — offer a path forward for battling health inequities.

  • Nov. 8, 2021

Learn more about federal loan programs and the AAMC's position on them.

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This AIB highlights our initial investigation into the educational pathways of U.S. medical school applicants.

  • Sept. 4, 2012


Open Letter to Med Students

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the learning environment that medical students find themselves in—especially those transitioning into a residency. Medical Education leaders from the Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) section have written an open letter (PDF) to address some of the unease and anxiety that some newly graduated medical students may be facing. The letter not only encourages and congratulates the Class of 2021, but reminds us of times in the past when the medical community has had to adapt quickly in times of crisis. The letter addresses how health epidemics, social and political strife, and strain on the medical community have occurred throughout our history, but the medical community has constantly responded to meet the challenge. The UME section wishes to let the Class of 2021 know that their medical student educators not only understand their burden, but also stand with them during these turbulent times.


Guide to the Undergraduate Medical Education Section

The UME Section Steering Committee coordinates with other sections and with the GEA Steering Committee, and provides a liaison with the Group on Student Affairs (GSA), the Organization of Resident Representatives (ORR) and the Organization of Student Representatives (OSR) of the AAMC. Learn more about the UME Section Steering Committee.

The name of the section shall be the Section on Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) of the Group on Educational Affairs (GEA) of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).


The purpose of the Section on UME of the GEA shall be to promote excellence in the education of medical students from selection to graduation and thereby contribute to the health of the public.

The Section on UME of the GEA fosters:

  • The development and continued improvement of undergraduate medical education programs to enhance medical students' learning and subsequent performance as graduate physicians.
  • The professional development of all teachers of medical students.
  • The application of research to undergraduate medical education.
  • The development of policies, (locally, regionally, and nationally), that recognize the fundamental importance of undergraduate medical education.
  • Communication specific to issues pertaining to undergraduate medical education.


Specific Organizational Structure

The organizational structure of the Section on UME shall parallel that of the GEA. It shall comprise a national steering committee and if desired by the region, constituent groups in each of the GEA regions.