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Physician Specialty Data Report

Active Physicians by Age and Specialty, 2017

The table shows the number and percentage of active physicians by age group for each of the 44 specialty categories featured in the Physician Specialty Data Report. The age categories are under age 55 and age 55 or older. The figure shows the percentage of active physicians who are age 55 or older for each of the 44 specialty categories, listed in descending order.

Table 1.4. Number and Percentage of Active Physicians by Age and Specialty, 2017
Total Active Physicians
Under Age 55 Age 55 or Older
{{school.specialty}} {{school.one | num | number}} {{school.two | num | number}} {{school.three | number:1}} {{school.four | num | number}} {{school.five | number:1}}

Source: AMA Physician Masterfile (December 2017).
Note: Excludes 2,219 active physicians whose age is unknown.