- Report
U.S. Physician Workforce Data Dashboard
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The U.S. Physician Workforce Data Dashboard provides the most current data available about the physician workforce across specialties in a series of interactive dashboards. The U.S. Physician Workforce Data Dashboard combines data previously published in two separate AAMC workforce studies reports, Physician Specialty Data Report and State Physician Workforce Data Report.
This dashboard provides detailed statistics about active physicians in the largest practice specialties (i.e., specialties with > 2,500 active physicians) in the United States and its territories. Data include the number of physicians by specialty, the number of people per direct patient care physician by specialty, age, sex, race/ethnicity, major professional activity, medical school location, and type of U.S. medical degree by specialty. The dashboard's next iteration will provide data for physicians in Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education residencies and fellowship programs. Please check back periodically for the next dashboard iteration.
Primary Data Sources
- The American Medical Association Physician Professional Data (AMA PPD) provided data for active physicians. The AMA PPD is updated annually from various sources, including a survey of physicians.
- Race and ethnicity are obtained from a variety of AAMC sources (e.g., the Electronic Residency Application Service®, the American Medical College Application Service®, the Medical College Admission Test®) with priority given to the most recent, self-reported source.
- U.S. Census Bureau population estimates were used to calculate the number of people per physician.
- Undergraduate medical education (UME) enrollment data for MD-granting medical schools are obtained from the AAMC Student Records System. UME matriculant data for MD-granting medical schools are obtained from the AMCAS® program.
- UME enrollment data for DO-granting medical schools are obtained from the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine’s most recent Osteopathic Medical College Enrollment by Gender and Class report.
- Graduate medical education (GME) data are obtained from GME Track®, a resident database and tracking system. The Resident Roster in GME Track is an annual survey sponsored by the AMA and the AAMC.