The Way Forward on COVID-19
Published September 15, 2021

The Delta variant has changed the U.S. COVID-19 landscape as millions of children return to school, public health measures remain politicized, and, despite effective vaccinations cases, daily deaths peak again.
Our current national situation only underscores the need to provide urgent, clear direction for policymakers to begin preparation for the next public health emergency and improve our response to the current pandemic.
The AAMC Research and Action Institute has released The Way Forward Starts Now: Lessons from COVID-19. This new report includes 10 recommendations that are intended to provide clear direction for policymakers to begin preparing now for the next pandemic based on the lessons learned from the current crisis.
To effectively respond to COVID-19 and prepare for the next pandemic, the AAMC Research and Action Institute has identified three themes that must be put at the center of improving our preparedness.
The Way Forward on COVID-19: A Road Map to Reset the Nation’s Approach to the Pandemic
The Way Forward on COVID-19: A Road Map to Reset the Nation’s Approach to the Pandemic provides both immediate and long-term — set forth as a comprehensive, coordinated plan based on AAMC experts’ understanding of the pandemic as doctors, scientists, and medical educators. Originally published July 29, 2020.
Consensus Guidance on Face Coverings
With no national policy regarding face masks, this document is a consensus statement designed to provide national guidance for the public on wearing face coverings to decrease the spread of COVID-19.
The AAMC Research and Action Institute has provided guidance and best practices for wearing face coverings both indoors and outdoors. Last updated June 3, 2021
AAMC Recommendations for COVID-19 Testing: The Current State and The Way Forward

A commitment to increasing the number of tests and suppressing the virus requires dedicated funding, continued investment in technology and test development, and smarter, more strategic use of our resources. Originally published October 22, 2020.