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    GBA Workshop, Part 1: Understanding Allyship and Responding to Microaggressions through Bystander Intervention

    Part 1 of this workshop on allyship and responding to microaggressions through bystander intervention, sponsored by the GBA Department Administrator Interest Group, took place on December 8, 2020. Experiences of bias, harassment and microaggressions is an expanding area of focus for faculty, administrators and leaders in the health professions as awareness of the enormous prevalence of these experiences has increased. Research on microaggressions and bias has shown to have significant negative impacts on individual confidence, physical health, and overall wellbeing. Therefore, more education and training on responding to microaggressions through bystander intervention is sorely needed in academic medicine. 

    This two-part series presented foundational information on how to enact one’s allyship, respond effectively to microaggressions, and create inclusive and respectful environments for all faculty and learners. Taking an inclusive approach to traditional bystander intervention training, this workshop was designed to equip leaders with tools and strategies to bring back to their institutions to begin addressing bias, harassment, and microaggressions in the moment they occur.   

    Part 1 (December 8, 2020) The first part of this workshop began with basic information on implicit bias as a function of power and privilege, as well as behavior strategies for developing allies. Participants learned that a culture of respect and accountability is created and maintained through everyday acts of allyship, small and large.  

    Part 2 (March 24, 2021) The second part explored bystander intervention methodologies, barriers and implicit biases to overcome as a bystander, as well as strategies to respond to microaggressions. Participants learned organizational strategies for implementing and maintaining bystander intervention and allyship programs (within departments, centers, and Institutes) and at the institutional level. Participants gathered both bystander intervention skills as well as generate ideas for how to institutionalize allyship behaviors for maximum impact.   


    Diana Lautenberger, MA 
    Director, Gender Equity Initiatives
    Association of American Medical Colleges

    If you would like to view the recording, please contact gba@aamc.org.