AAHCI is uniquely and specifically dedicated to providing customized programs, resources, and services for leaders of academic health centers around the world as they educate the next generation of health professionals, conduct biomedical research, and provide patient care. AAHCI leadership and membership work closely with the AAMC Alliance of Academic Health Centers (the Alliance) leadership and members toward this mission.
Management and Mission Support
Individualized Leadership Support: AAHCI provides a range of services from peer-to-peer queries to individualized consultations, comparative institutional surveys, and personal, confidential access to executive leaders.
Leadership Councils: The AAHCI Leadership Councils provide opportunities to participate in deliberative bodies that examine critical issues impacting academic health centers worldwide, formulate consensus statements, and share best practices.
Global Reach: Regular regional meetings are held around the world, and all members are invited to learn, network, and build new collaborations. An evolving network of Regional Offices is extending AAHCI’s reach and member connections.
AIM Program and AIM CONNECT: The AIM Program assists members to develop and implement institution-specific strategic goals. AIM CONNECT offers cost-free opportunities for virtual connections and consultations with experienced academic health center leaders.
MedBiquitous: The MedBiquitous program of the AAMC offers the international health professions education (HPE) and credentialing community a centralized, trusted place for guidelines, best practices, and a collaborative community for data and technology advancement and innovation.
Meetings, Conferences, and Online Programs
Meetings In Person and Virtually: Informative webinars, peer leadership roundtables, and regional and annual meetings held around the world address the key issues and challenges facing academic health center and health system leadership. Access a full listing of upcoming meetings and events here.
Exclusive Publications and Resources
Access to Unique Publications: including AAHCI Leadership Perspectives; leader-to-leader queries and surveys; AAMC publications; and timely newsletters and communications from AAHCI, the Alliance, and AAMC leadership.
Complimentary subscription to Academic Medicine for all primary representatives of AAHCI member institutions.
Profiles in Partnership: a member benefit developed to facilitate relationship-building among AAHCI and Alliance members by providing new pathways to explore collaborative opportunities.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: The Sullivan Alliance highlights the work academic health centers are doing to strengthen the capacity and quality of the health workforce by increasing the representation of historically marginalized populations in every area of health care across all aspects of their institutions.
AAHCI Leadership Programs
AAHCI Leadership Initiative (ALI): The ALI aims to build leadership infrastructure for academic health centers from lower- and middle-income countries through cross-border learning and networking, collaboration, and sharing of best practices to advance the work of academic health centers.
AAHCI Student Leadership Initiative (ASLI): The ASLI invites health professions students at academic health centers to submit proposals sharing new ideas or innovative programs tackling key topics in health professions education.
The Alliance and AAHCI represent the unique interests of academic health centers in informing policy development and thought leadership.
Spotlight: features the frontline work of academic health centers worldwide through new treatments and cures, innovative approaches to prevention and prediction, and educating the next generation of health care professionals, including leaders in public health. Access Spotlight here.
Regional Offices
International offices bring together academic health centers and systems within their region and provide valuable insight on the key issues and challenges they face. Regional programs provide opportunities for collaborative endeavors with leaders from a specific region.
To join or for more information:
International institutions interested in learning more about membership may contact AAHCI by phone, 202-741-0747, or by email at aahci@aamc.org. Use this form to submit a membership application.
International Membership in AAHCI (the Alliance of Academic Health Centers International) is institution-based. The membership year is July 1 – June 30.
Institutional Memberships in AAHCI are available for Academic Health Centers and Systems, broadly defined as an institution, alliance or partnership that has, or has among its alliance or partnership, including in planning stages:
- A school of medicine,
- One or more other health professions schools and/or advanced medical research programs, and
- A relationship to one or more teaching hospitals or health systems.
Supporting Memberships in AAHCI are available for Collaborating Organizations, broadly defined as not-for-profit and governmental organizations that promote collaboration and demonstrate commitment to fostering mission alignment among healthcare delivery, health professions education, and research.