Medical School Wellness Curriculum Collection
A collection of wellness resources submitted by AAMC member schools
The Group on Student Affairs (GSA) Committee on Student Affairs (COSA) Working Group on Medical Student Wellbeing recognizes the need for resources for those who are in the process of developing or refining curricula for wellness content. Based upon a review of the literature and the expertise of working group members, we chose foundational wellbeing topics which represent the best evidence-based practices in these areas. Presentations were created for each of these topics and are posted on this website. Each presentation can be adapted to fit delivery in large group or small group settings. There is some planned overlap in content between certain topics so feel free to adjust presentations to the needs of your medical school.
The authorship for each slide is included to acknowledge credit for intellectual property. We hope that you find these curricular templates helpful and we welcome your feedback on the content or suggestions for additional template topics. For more information or inquiries, contact our team.
- AAMC Financial Wellness
- Addressing Guilt and Moral Distress
- Health Boundary Setting in Order to Maintain Wellness
- Impostor Experience
- Meditation 101 - Simple Practices for Maintaining Wellbeing and Fostering Resilience
- Mental Health and Suicide Awareness
- Overcoming Procrastination
- Overview of Medical Student Wellness
- Positive Medicine
- Religion and Spirituality in Health Care
- Smarter, Not Harder – Optimizing Your Personal Resources
- The Power of Social Connections
AAMC Financial Wellness
This resource (PDF) guides learners through the process of navigating their AAMC account to find tools to manage their finances. Download the PowerPoint (PPT) and the handout (PDF).
Topic: Financial Wellness
Target audience: M1-M4
Author: Financial Information, Resources, Services, and Tools (FIRST), Association of American Medical Colleges
Addressing Guilt and Moral Distress
This presentation (PDF) explains the difficult emotions healthcare professionals might encounter during their career, namely guilt and moral distress. Strategies for coping, becoming emotionally self aware, and managing emotional moments are provided. Download the PowerPoint (PPT).
Topic: Moral Distress
Target Audience: M1-M4
Author: Alicia Hurtado, MD, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Health Boundary Setting in Order to Maintain Wellness
This presentation (PDF) helps learners understand boundary setting, the different types of boundary setting and its benefits, and strategies to effectively say no for a better wellbeing. Download the PowerPoint (PPT).
Topic: Boundary Setting
Target Audience: M1-M4
Author: Alicia Hurtado, MD, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Impostor Experience
The goals of this session are:
- Highlight thoughts and experiences learners may undergo when dealing with imposter syndrome.
- Understand the root cause of imposter syndrome.
- Provide strategies and tool kits for learners to mediate their imposter syndrome.
This presentation (PDF) discusses the imposter experience in the medical field with interactive exercises and provides learners with multiple tools and strategies to implement when dealing with imposter syndrome. Download the PowerPoint (PPT).
Topic: Impostor Syndrome
Target Audience: M1-M4
- Maggie Rea, PhD, University of California, Davis School of Medicine
- Elizabeth Lawrence, MD, FACP, University of New Mexico School of Medicine
- Michelle Lizotte-Waniewski, MD, Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University
Meditation 101 - Simple Practices for Maintaining Wellbeing and Fostering Resilience
This presentation (PDF) provides learners with modest evidence-based research on the utility of mindfulness and its benefits. Exercises to practice mindfulness in daily life are provided. Download the PowerPoint (PPT).
Topic: Mindfulness
Target Audience: M1-M4
- Michelle Lizotte-Waniewski, PhD, Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University
- Chantal Young, PhD, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California
- Karen Horneffer-Ginter, PhD, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine
- Maria Magidenko, BA, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine
- Allison Zheng, BS, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine
- Melissa Pellman, BS, MS, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine
- Daniel Micheli, BS, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine
- Adrienne Aardema, BS, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine
- Megan Sandberg, BS, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine
Mental Health and Suicide Awareness
This presentation (PDF) highlights mental health and suicide among medical students and addresses stigma and possible barriers to getting mental health help. Strategies for identifying suicide signs, reaching out to individuals in distress, and instilling hope are provided with additional resources. Download the PowerPoint (PPT).
Topic: Mental Health, Suicide Awareness
Audience: M1-M4
- Elizabeth C. Lawrence, MD, University of New Mexico School of Medicine
- Michelle Lizotte-Waniewski, PhD, Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University
- Margaret Rea, PhD, University of California, Davis School of Medicine
Overcoming Procrastination
The goals of this session are:
- To start a conversation about procrastination.
- To guide adaptive reframing of thoughts and beliefs that present as barriers to action.
- To introduce planning and coping strategies for initiating and completing tasks.
- To develop distraction management techniques.
This presentation (PDF) is designed to be delivered as a one-time session and facilitated by an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant. The discussion increases learners’ awareness of reasons for procrastination, identifies potential cues, and provides strategies for addressing and overcoming procrastination. Download the handout (PDF).
Topic: Time Management
Target Audience: M2
- Samantha Valasek, OTD, OTR/L, USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
- Kelcie Kadowaki, OTD, OTR/L, USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Overview of Medical Student Wellness
This presentation (PDF) helps learners understand the importance of wellness in medical school. Guidelines and strategies are provided on creating a wellness toolkit and routine. Download the PowerPoint (PPT) and the handout (PDF).
Topic: Wellness
Target Audience: M1
- Michelle Lizotte-Waniewski, MD, Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University
- Margaret Rea, PhD, University of California Davis School of Medicine
- Elizabeth Lawrence, MD, FACP, University of New Mexico School of Medicine
Positive Medicine
This presentation (PDF) addresses burnout in the medical model and promotes a deliberate and balanced approach as an alternative for the wellbeing of the learner. Strategies and tools are provided to help the learner make small shifts toward positive medicine for better wellbeing.
Topic: Wellness
Target Audience: M1-M4
Author: Jordyn Feingold, MD, MSCR, MAPP, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Religion and Spirituality in Health Care
This presentation (PDF) elaborates on the religious and spiritual cultural gap between doctors and patients. Tips and strategies on how to address the gap are provided in the resource. Download the PowerPoint (PPT).
Topic: Religion and Spirituality
Target Audience: M1-M4
Author: Rev. Jim Burklo, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California
Smarter, Not Harder – Optimizing Your Personal Resources
The goals of this session are:
- To engage in self-analysis of routines and activities that promote a personal sense of balance.
- To learn planning and prioritization strategies for managing the finite resources of time and energy.
This presentation (PDF) is designed to be delivered as a one-time session and facilitated by an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant. Strategies for self-care, skills for managing energy, and methods for personalizing time management and goal-setting plans are included. Download the handout (PDF).
Topic: Time Management
Target Audience: M1
- Samantha Valasek, OTD, OTR/L, USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
- Marissa Marchioni, OTD, OTR/L, USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
The Power of Social Connections
This presentation (PDF) describes the science and theories of social connectedness, the physiological benefits of social ties, and barriers to building positive relationships. The resource contains an exercise to help learners mindfully listen to enhance social connections. Additional strategies to foster, encourage, and enhance quality connections in personal life are provided. Download the PowerPoint (PPT).
Topic: Peer Support and Social Connection
Target Audience: M1-M4
- Katherine Daly, PhD, University of Central Florida College of Medicine
- Heather Rashal, LMHC, University of Central Florida College of Medicine
- Chantal Young, PhD, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California