Policy and Regulatory Issues
The AAMC tracks and analyzes a variety of regulatory rules and changes, primarily related to the Medicare and Medicaid programs, and advocates on topics that impact its member institutions.
Featured Topics in Policy and Regulatory Issues
The Featured Topics section includes AAMC resources and work on ad hoc issues that impact our member institutions.
Unwinding of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (2023)
- End of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE)
- Webinar recording (Sign-in required)
- Webinar Q&A (PDF)
- PowerPoint slides (PDF)
- AAMC Resources
Post-Dobbs Resources (2022)
- Legal Actions
- President Biden Executive Orders Regarding Reproductive Care
- HHS Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) Guidance
- HHS Privacy Guidance
No Surprises Act/Surprise Billing (2021)
- AAMC Amicus Brief Submitted to U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on No Surprises Act (PDF)
- AAMC Comment Letter on Surprise Billing Regulations Part II (Independent Dispute Resolution Process, Good Faith Estimates, Patient-Provider Dispute Resolution) (PDF)
- AAMC Comment Letter on No Surprises Act Provider Enforcement (PDF)
- AAMC Comment Letter on Surprise Billing Regulations Part I (Qualifying Payment Amount, Notice and Consent) (PDF)
- AAMC Comments on Implementation of No Surprises Act (PDF)
- AAMC Submits Comments in Response to RFI on Advanced Explanation of Benefits - 2022 (PDF)
Information Blocking and Interoperability (2023)

Graduate Medical Education (GME)
Explore the latest provisions affecting Medicare direct graduate medical education and indirect medical education payments, which are often included in the annual Medicare Inpatient Prospective Payment System regulation.

Hospital Payment and Quality
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) annually publishes hospital inpatient and outpatient regulations that address payment updates and other issues in each payment system, including Medicare’s portfolio of quality reporting and performance programs impacting payment and public reporting.

Physician Payment and Quality
The CMS annually issues the physician fee schedule/Quality Payment Program rules that update payment amounts and sets forth payment policies for physicians and other health care professionals for the calendar year.

Prescription Drugs and 340B Drug Pricing Program
Explore analyses about updates to payment and coverage policies for prescription drugs and the 340B Drug Pricing Program.

Telehealth: Digital Health
Explore updates related to Medicare telehealth payments and coverage.