The AAMC seeks to improve the integration of public health concepts into medical education, and enhance and expand a diverse and culturally prepared health workforce.
Navigating a Foodborne Outbreak: Preparation for Interprofessional Practice: A free, self-paced, interactive, online module that demonstrates the importance of interprofessional practice among health professionals to improve and protect population health.
Health Equity in Academic Medicine: Recommendations From an AAMC Community Roundtable in Washington, D.C.: This new AAMC report details promising practices, critical challenges, and points for collaboration that medical schools, teaching hospitals, and residency programs across the country can implement to advance health equity in their local communities.
Teaching Residents Population Health Management: This AAMC report profiles successful practices at primary care residency programs to help residency program directors incorporate population health management into education programs.
Programs & Initiatives
The AAMC-CDC Cooperative Agreement
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Academic Partnerships to Improve Health focuses on improving the health of individuals and communities through alliances among academic associations, universities, and CDC. In August 2017, CDC awarded the AAMC and three other national academic associations funds to support public health workforce activities to enhance population health education for medical, nursing, and public health students.
The AAMC entered into its first cooperative agreement with CDC in 2000 to enhance collaborations between the academic medical and public health practice communities. Achievements of the cooperative agreement include 133 extramural grants projects among constituents, published reports, multiple cycles of a competitive grants program to improve public health content in medical education, student opportunities at CDC, and more.
Learn more about the history of the AAMC-CDC Cooperative Agreement.