To promote increased public health awareness and encourage inclusion of public health perspectives, experts in the field speak about their personal experiences practicing medicine from a public health vantage point.
Teaching Medical Spanish to Improve Population Health
This webinar (90 min.) highlights the impact of patient-provider language concordance on clinical practice and health care delivery in an increasingly diverse population. We discuss the current state of medical Spanish curriculum in U.S. medical schools and resources available to help institutions assess their health and scientific workforce efforts to address cultural and linguistic competency. Download the Webinar Slides or recap of the Webinar Q&A session.
Additional Webinar Resources:
Foreign Language Assessment and Training in U.S. Medical Education Is a Must
Evaluation of a Medical Spanish Elective for Senior Medical Students
Bilingual staff valuable in healthcare, but lack of training is liability
Beyond the Bedside: Social Determinants of Health Curriculum and Assessment in the Health Professions
This webinar (90 min.), co-sponsored by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), highlights integrated curriculum models from Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) and The George Washington University School of Nursing that are used to assess learners’ knowledge and application of the social determinants of health. Download the Webinar Slides or recap of the Webinar Q&A session.
Additional Webinar Resources:
Location, Location, Location: Teaching About Neighborhoods in Pediatrics (PDF)
CCHMC Social Determinants Sample Bibliography – Screening and Interventions (PDF)
Project Management Fundamentals: Developing a Project Management Plan Webinar
This webinar (60 min.) provides an overview of the project management process, and explore the components of a project management plan that can be used by project managers to guide and implement activities. This webinar addresses APIH Fellowship cross-cutting competency domain 2: policy development/program planning skills. Download the Webinar Slides.
Teaching Population Health through Student-Run Clinics Webinar
This webinar (90 min.) highlights student-run clinic models from the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Cooper Medical School of Rowan University, each with an explicit focus on population health. Student-run clinics have been established at many medical schools nationwide. They provide healthcare access to underserved populations, serve as an early clinical training experience for learners, and create an opportunity for interprofessional collaboration. As institutions consider innovative ways to teach population health, some student-run clinics have been a propitious environment for experiential learning of these important principles. Download the Webinar Slides.
Additional Webinar Resources:
Presence and Characteristics of Student-Run Free Clinics in Medical Schools
Universal depression screening, diagnosis, management, and outcomes at a student-run free clinic
Addressing the health needs of the underserved: a national faculty development program (PDF)
Clinical Outcomes of Diabetic Patients at a Student-Run Free Clinic Project (PDF)
CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS): A Unique Fellowship for Physicians
When outbreaks happen that threaten the public’s health, elite disease detectives from CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) are on the scene. Whether for recent events like Zika virus or lead poisoning, or historic public health threats like smallpox or Legionnaires’ disease, EIS officers are CDC’s boots-on-the-ground. They step up at a moment’s notice to investigate outbreaks in the U.S. and all over the world. Their detective work protects people and save lives.
This webinar (60 min.) highlights CDC’s EIS program, a unique 2-year post-doctoral fellowship in applied epidemiology. This webinar is an opportunity for students, residents, faculty, and practicing physicians to understand the value of a hands-on public health experience and how it complements clinical skills. Hear directly from physician EIS officers about their life-changing career experiences in responding to disease outbreaks and working on meaningful public health issues. Attendees will be able to submit questions during an extended Q&A session at the end. Download the Webinar Slides or access materials from the Webinar Q&A session.
Teaching Population Health: Innovative Medical School Curricula on Nutrition
This webinar (78 min.) highlights innovative methods to integrate nutrition into medical education – a topic that spans the basic, clinical and public/population health sciences. It includes a brief history and recent data on nutrition education across medical schools, as well as curriculum models and resources from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine and Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine. Download the Webinar Slides.
Additional Webinar Resources:
Nutrition Education in U.S. Medical Schools: Latest Update of a National Survey
Analysis of Nutrition Education in Osteopathic Medical Schools
The Production of Health: Cross-sector Partnerships and Engagement to Improve Population Health
This webinar (59 min.) discusses the social determinants that influence population health and the benefits of multidisciplinary partnerships in improving population health. It was produced in support of the APIH Public Health Fellowship Program. Dwnload the Webinar Slides.
Additional Webinar Resources:
Teaching Population Health: Innovative Medical School Curricula on Environmental Health
This webinar (83 min.) highlights the importance of teaching tomorrow’s doctors the ways in which the environment affects health and behavior. Featuring curriculum models and case-based activities from Harvard Medical School and University of California, San Francisco, this webinar is an opportunity for deans, faculty, and learners to understand the key elements of success and solutions to overcoming barriers to better facilitate the integration of environmental health into undergraduate medical education. Download the Webinar Slides.
Additional Webinar Resources:
Incorporating an Environmental/Occupational Medicine Theme into the Medical School Curriculum
Environmental Medicine: Integrating a Missing Element into Medical Education
Teaching Population Health: Innovative Medical School Curricula for Biostatistics and Epidemiology
This webinar (78 min.) presents innovative ways to teach biostatistics and epidemiology in clinically relevant scenarios and as the foundation for population health perspectives. It is an opportunity for medical faculty, public health professionals, and curriculum deans to learn about curriculum models in use at Harvard Medical School and Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans to improve medical students’ training in population sciences. Access the webinar slides.
Familiarize yourself with the curriculum at our speakers' institutions with Rollout of New HMS Course, Teaching Population Health as a Basic Science at Harvard Medical School, and LSU Population Health Module 2: Screening.
Inclusion and Integration of Population Health into Undergraduate Medical Curriculum
This webinar (60 min.) highlights multiple programs and activities along the continuum from inclusion to full-scale integration of population health and public health topics within the undergraduate medical education experience. Access valuable questions and answers from the webinar on increasing public health awareness across an institution and encouraging the inclusion of public health into UME.
Enhancing Your Medical Career with a Public Health Experience
This webinar (60 min.) is an opportunity for students, residents, and mentors to understand the value of a hands-on public health experience during one's medical career. We highlight a specific CDC training program as one pathway to pursuing a meaningful public health experience in medical education, namely the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS)—a two-year post-graduate training program of service and on-the-job learning. Access valuable questions and answers from the webinar about general public health training and specifically about EIS, to assist medical students, residents and mentors with medical career planning.
The AAMC-CDC Webinar Series was supported by Cooperative Agreement Numbers 1U36OE000004 and 5 NU36OE00007 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The views expressed by the speakers & moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.