After receiving applications from more than 70 AAMC-member institutions, these 10 medical schools were selected to serve as pilot cohorts to test the implementation of the 13 EPAs.
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
Jonathan Amiel
Dr. Amiel is the Associate Project Lead for the Core EPA Pilot. He is the Associate Dean for Curricular Affairs at Columbia Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons, works closely with the AAMC GEA and is past chair of the AAMC Northeast Group on Educational Affairs and Organization of Resident Representatives.
Beth Barron
Dr. Barron is an internist and associate professor of medicine at Columbia University Medical School. She directs the clinical skills assessment program for medical students. This includes her role as Associate Director of CUMC/NYP Mary & Michael Jaharis Simulation Center and Course Director of Foundations of Medicine-Tutorials (pre-clinical skills development). She previously acted as the associate director of the NYP/Columbia internal medicine residency training program which allows for insights into the transition from medical school to residency.
Ronald Drusin
Dr. Drusin is Vice Dean for Education at P&S and oversees all aspects of the UME program. He chairs the curriculum committee and participates in cross-school programming with the education deans at the other schools in our health sciences campus.
Marina Catallozzi
Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine
Jefry Biehler
Dr. Biehler is Chairman of Pediatrics and Medical Director for Quality. In addition, Dr. Biehler is the pediatric clerkship director and designed and implemented the clerkship at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital (part of Miami Children’s Health System), also the site of HWCOM’s affiliated residency program in pediatrics.
David Brown
Dr. Brown is Chief of Family Medicine and Vice Chair of Humanities, Health, and Society at the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine (HWCOM). He has had a lead role in building the award winning Green Family Foundation Neighborhood Health Education Learning Program (NeighborhoodHELP) an interprofessional community engaged program integrating social and behavioral care with primary care. He has collaborated to develop longitudinal medical student and resident curricula in clinical skills, motivational interviewing, and integrating clinical, social, behavioral, and health system sciences in health care. His research interests include medical education, entrustment, collaboration, population health, and integrating social and behavioral services into healthcare. Dr. Brown currently serves as chair of the entrustment workgroup of the EPA Pilot.
Vivian Obeso
Dr. Obeso is Assistant Dean for Curriculum and Medical Education and is Medical Director of the HWCOM Simulation Center. Dr. Obeso developed the clinical skills courses for HWCOM’s first- and second-year students, initiated the simulation center, and developed the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) assessments, including the training program for standardized patients.
Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
Matt Emery
Dr. Emery is Associate Chair for Academic Affairs of the Department of Emergency Medicine and the Medical Director for Simulation for the College of Human Medicine. Areas of interest include Interprofessional Education, Simulation-Based assessment for UME, and formative clinical skills training for medical students.
Dianne Wagner
Dr. Wagner is a general internist and professor at the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. She is the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education. She brings expertise in curricular design, patient safety, simulation, systems of assessment and the transition between undergraduate and graduate medical education.
Angela Thompson-Busch
Dr. Thompson-Busch is an Assistant Professor in Pediatrics and the Community Assistant Dean for the Grand Rapids Campus of Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. Having practiced as a general pediatrician for 15 years, she has a wealth of experience in community-based medical education but adds to that new expertise in integrating basic and clinical science into curricula and preparing medical students for residency.
New York University School of Medicine
Patrick Cocks
Dr. Cocks is the Abraham Sunshine Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine and serves as Director of the Internal Medicine Residency training program. His research focuses on using publicly available patient outcomes data to inform ongoing GME curricular change. In addition to his research, administrative and teaching responsibilities, Dr. Cocks continues to see patients at the NYU Faculty Group Practice in Internal Medicine.
Colleen Gillespie
Dr. Gillespie is Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Department of Medicine's Division of General Internal Medicine. She is the Director of Evaluation for the Division of Educational Quality and Analytics within NYU's Institute for Innovation in Medical Education as well as Director of Evaluation for the NYU Clinical and Translational Science Institute and the Program for Medical Education Innovation and Research.
Melvin Rosenfeld
Dr. Rosenfeld is the Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education in the Office of Medical Education. He is an associate professor in the Department of Cell Biology, teaching core pre-clinical anatomy curriculum. Dr. Rosenfeld serves on the Undergraduate Medical Education Curriculum Committee and is a medical student advisor within the Mentor and Career Advisor Program within the Office of Student Affairs.
Linda Tewksbury
Dr. Tewksbury is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics. She currently serves as Director of Medical Student Education for the Department of Pediatrics and is actively involved in education across the four years of medical school, most significantly in her role as Director of the Pediatric Clerkship. Outside of pediatrics, Dr. Tewksbury serves as co-director of NYU School of Medicine's Comprehensive Clinical Skills Exam.
Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine
George C. Mejicano
Dr. Mejicano is Professor of Medicine and Senior Associate Dean for Education at Oregon Health & Science University. He has strategic, programmatic and fiscal responsibility over the entire School of Medicine educational portfolio, including UME, GME, CME, graduate programs and faculty development.
Carrie Phillipi
Dr. Carrie Phillipi, Professor of Pediatrics, is the Vice Chair for Education in the Department of Pediatrics at OHSU.
Jamie Warren
Dr. Jamie Warren is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Neonatology and serves as the Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs in the Department of Pediatrics at Oregon Health & Science University. Jamie's research interests are in education, quality and process improvement, and clinical research; she is also very interested in teaching students, residents, fellows, and colleagues the processes of quality improvement. Jamie has been a member of the OHSU Core EPA team since 2015 and now serves on the OHSU Entrustment Group. Her main focus on the EPA team has been in the structure and process of
Entrustment committees.
Tracy Bumsted
Dr. Tracy Bumsted is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education in the School of Medicine at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, Oregon. She leads all aspects of the MD program including admissions, teaching services, curriculum, student affairs, assessment, and outreach. She has led both the development and operation teams of the transformed M.D. program curriculum at OHSU, called YourMD, that matriculated its fifth cohort of entering students in August 2018. Dr. Bumsted received her MPH and MD from the University of Utah. She completed her pediatric residency at OHSU and practiced as a pediatric hospitalist there for 14 years. She was a Co-PI of OHSU’s Accelerating Change in Medical Education grant from the AMA.
University of Illinois College of Medicine
Meenakshy Aiyer
Dr. Aiyer, a board certified internist, is the Interim Regional Dean at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria. She is an excellent teacher and educator and her research interests are in the area of medical education.
Janet Jokela
Dr. Jokela, a board certified internist and infectious disease physician, is the Clerkship Director and Head of the Department of Medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign. She also serves as Governor of the Downstate Region Illinois Chapter, American College of Physicians.
Sandra Yingling
Dr. Sandra Yingling, a clinical and research psychologist, is Associate Dean for Educational Planning for the University of Illinois College of Medicine and Assistant Professor in UI-COM's Department of Medical Education. Her work focuses on technology-supported innovation, effective feedback, professional identity development and quality improvement cycles in program evaluation.
Asra Khan
Dr. Khan, a board certified internist and Assoc Professor of Clinical Medicine, is the Course Director of the Doctoring and Clinical Skills Course (DoCS) and Clerkship Director and Sub-I Director of Internal Medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago. She also serves as the Clinical Practice Theme Lead at the University of Illinois, College of Medicine.
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Mark Hormann
Dr. Hormann is Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Vice-Chair for Education and Training, Director of the Pediatric Residency Program and Director of the Pediatric Clerkship. With significant experience in both UGME and GME, Dr. Hormann is well positioned to develop and implement curricula and assessments across the continuum of medical education.
Allison Ownby
Dr. Ownby is Assistant Dean for Faculty and Educational Development in the Office of Educational Programs and is an associate professor in the Department of Pediatrics. Dr. Ownby provides educational expertise in curriculum design and development, learner assessment, and program evaluation for the undergraduate and graduate medical education programs.
Sasha Adams
Dr. Adams is an Associate Professor of Surgery with a specialty in Trauma and Critical Care, Director of the General Surgery Residency Program, and Vice-Chair for Education in Surgery. Prior to becoming Program Director, she was the Director of the Surgical Clerkship and also completed an 18 month Health Education Fellowship at UT. Her experience in both UME and GME, as well as additional educational fellowship, provide a strong background for development of curricula and assessment within medical education.
Jennifer Swails
Jennifer Swails received her bachelor in science degree in biology from Davidson College and her doctorate in medicine from Weill Cornell Medical College. She completed residency training in internal medicine and primary care at Brigham and Women’s hospital and joined the faculty of the McGovern Medical School at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston in 2012. She currently serves as Program Director of the Internal Medicine Residency Program and is Co-director of Interprofessional Education at UT Health. In 2016, received a UT system patient safety grant to develop a curriculum to teach team safety skills to students throughout the health sciences. In 2017, the graduating class of the McGovern medical school selected Dr. Swails to give their Commencement address, and also presented her with the McGovern award for outstanding teaching.
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Bill Cutrer
Dr. Cutrer serves as the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education and guides the ongoing administration and refinement of Vanderbilt Curriculum 2.0. He is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics who also works clinically in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.
Ed Vasilevskis
Dr. Vasilevskis is an Assistant Professor and the Section Chief of Hospital Medicine at Vanderbilt University. He is the Internal Medicine clerkship director. In addition, he brings research experience in quality measurement and improvement research methods, with a focus in geriatric populations.
Kendra Parekh
Dr. Parekh is an Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine where she co-directs the post-clerkship Immersion Phase (3rd and 4th year students) of Vanderbilt’s Curriculum 2.0. She also directs the Portfolio Coaching Program which pairs students with an academic coach for the duration of medical school to guide informed self-assessment, goal development and goal attainment.
Cody Chastain
Dr. Cody Chastain is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. He serves as the Director for Evaluation and Assessment within the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. In addition, he serves as core faculty for the internal medicine residency program and is an active educator for the Southeast AIDS Education and Training Center.
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
Michael Ryan
Dr. Ryan is Assistant Dean for Clinical Medical Education and Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU. In addition to his role in the Dean’s office, Mike has also served as Pediatrics clerkship director and Associate program director. Dr. Ryan completed his MEHP with thesis work pertaining to the Core EPAs in 2015. In addition to his primary appointment at VCU, Mike serves as adjunct faculty for the Johns Hopkins MEHP program, has leadership roles in several Pediatric educational organizations, and has published extensively on a variety of medical education topics.
Diane Biskobing
Dr. Biskobing is Associate Dean for Medical Education and Professor of Medicine in the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism. In her role as Associate Dean she oversees all aspects of the pre-clerkship curriculum. She has had many roles in undergraduate and graduate medical education at VCU. She has been the course director for the M1 Endocrine course for 20 years. She was the Endocrine fellowship program director for 10 years prior to stepping down in 2015. She has also previously been the chair of the Internal Medicine residency clinical competency committee.
Greg Trimble
Dr. Trimble completed his residency in both internal medicine and pediatrics at the University of Utah, where he served as an internal medicine chief resident from 2007-2008. Dr. Trimble joined Inova Fairfax Hospital in 2008 and was the Internal Medicine clerkship director from 2011-2015. He currently serves as the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs. He completed the certificate in clinical teaching at Stanford University School of Medicine in 2012.
Nicole Deiorio
Dr. Deiorio is Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Professor of Emergency Medicine. She runs the coaching program for undergraduate medical education and has additional experience creating other coaching programs. She co-chaired the 2018 American Medical Association Coaching Thematic Meeting. Her other curricular interests include professional identity formation and the transition to residency. Her research experience includes coaching, investigating the residency selection process, and outcomes in competency-based undergraduate medical education.
Yale School of Medicine
Michael Green
Dr. Green is Professor of Medicine and Director of Student Assessment in the Teaching and Learning Center at the Yale School of Medicine. Dr. Green brings expertise and experience in competency-based medical education, assessment of clinical competence, curriculum development and evaluation, and psychometrics.” Clinically, he practices HIV medicine and supervises residences in an internal medicine HIV training track.
Jeremy Moeller
Dr. Moeller is associate professor of neurology at Yale School of Medicine and serves as Associate Vice-Chair of Education and residency program director. He has interests in assessment in graduate medical education, and the use of technology in neurology education.
Katherine Gielissen
Dr. Gielissen is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine. She is the Associate Clerkship Director of the Yale Internal Medicine clerkship. Her scholarship focuses on simulation-based assessment of EPAs and the process of ad hoc and summative entrustment decision-making. She currently leads the Outcome 1 team of the Core EPA pilot, focusing on student understanding and engagement of EPAs.
Barry Wu
Dr. Wu is Professor of Clinical Medicine at Yale School of Medicine. He directs clinical skills training and interprofessional education in the pre clerkship years and co-directs geriatric education in primary care.