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    Caring for All Elders: Integrating Sexual and Gender Minority Elder Health into the Learning Continuum

    Video Length: 87 minutes

    Presentation Materials: Slide Deck 

    There is ample evidence that sexual and gender minorities face discrimination in the healthcare setting. Providing high-quality health care for older adults who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or born with differences of sex development requires active steps by health professionals to create an environment that is understanding of the unique needs of these populations and free from bias. Participants in this webinar will gain a broad understanding of the medical aspects of aging for these populations and healthcare strategies to improve their treatment.

    Learning Objectives:
    After viewing this video, the learner will be able to:

    • Understand the demographics of the elder population in the United States who are LGBT and/or born with differences of sex development (DSD).
    • Discuss how the social aspects of aging impacts care for patients who are LGBT and/or born with DSD.
    • Understand how to tailor the patient history for elders who are LGBT and/or born with DSD.
    • Understand the unique psycho-social needs of elders who are LGBT and/or born with DSD and how these needs affect health outcomes.
    • Identify 2-3 medical aspects of aging and its impact on care for patients who are LGBT and/or born with DSD.

    John Davis, MD, PhD
    Associate Dean for Medical Education, The Ohio State University
    LGBT Issue-Based Representative, AAMC Group on Diversity & Inclusion (GDI)

    Jonathan Appelbaum, MD, FACP
    Laurie L. Dozier Jr., MD, Education Director
    Professor of Internal Medicine
    Department of Clinical Sciences
    Florida State University College of Medicine

    Jason Schneider, MD
    Associate Professor of Medicine
    Division of General Medicine and Geriatrics
    Emory University School of Medicine

    Andrew Vosko, PhD
    Assistant Professor of Neuroanatomy
    Department of Medical Humanities and Structural Medicine
    Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine

    Suggested Citation:
    Association of American Medical Colleges. "Caring for All Elders: Integrating Sexual and Gender Minority Elder Health into the Learning Continuum" (November, 2016). AAMC Videos and Resources. Washington, DC: Association of American Medical Colleges. Available online at: /initiatives/diversity/473020/caringforallelders.html