The criteria employed in the selection of the award recipient will include the assessment of his/her professional and personal skills, personal attributes, and professional and academic activities that provide evidence of the following qualities and characteristics:
- Positive mentoring skills
- Involvement in community service
- Compassion/sensitivity
- Demonstrates and models the values of diversity, equity and inclusion in their daily work and life
- Collaboration with students and patients
Nominations must provide evidence and documentation of the nominee's embodiment of these qualities and characteristics. Nominations should also include academic, mentoring, advising, and counseling activities as well as specific examples of modeling ethics of the profession in addition to community service that demonstrate the nominee's effectiveness in role modeling the importance of these qualities to students, patients, and faculty.
Positive Mentoring Skills
- Doctor/patient relationship
- Teaching/teaching awards
- Positive attitude
- Topics – death, dying
- Role modeling/leading by example
- Reaching out to other faculty
- Doing for others, not themselves
- How nominee integrates categories into teaching, mentoring, and advising students
Involvement in Community Service
- Local v. international (focusing more on local)
- Level of service, volunteering, running, establishing projects and/or events (heavily involved)
- Non-medical volunteer service; outside scope of core practice
- Government service? If it is unpaid.
- Choice of working environment (community service may be part of the job); service outside of the job, medical school, and/or academic community
- Mentored service – students go out and start clinics under his/her guidance
- Length of service, service over time
- Service that inspires others to want to do more
- Stories about patients/staff
- Choice of specialty not a factor
- Anecdotes from patients and staff are powerful
- Outside realm of patient care – interactions with students and staff
- Compassion shown on a regular basis
- Bedside manner
- Altruism
Collaboration with Students and Patients
- Working with colleagues (in addition to other doctors)
- Working with students and patients as part of a team
- Support/guidance for projects
- Unusual texts and/or publications that are collaborative (publications are generally are a part of the job)
- Committees – as a member, leader, and/or creator
- Extended office hours to accommodate patients and students
- Practices patient-centered care
- Involved with rehabilitation, chronic illnesses, etc.
Modeling Ethics of the Profession (should be exhibited throughout the nomination)
- Bioethics committee – examples of models of behavior
- Ethics course
- Bedside manner
- Empowers students / patients
- Shows respect for patients
- Models ethics to students and challenges students to think about and reflect on ethics
- Quality of life issues (dying patients)