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  • Professional Service

    Tools for Financial Aid Officers

    The AAMC offers members access to a wide range of resources. Please sign in to access member-only resources and content. 

    Graduating Student Resources for Financial Aid Officers

    Resources include:

    • Student Loans and Repayment Strategies Presentation
    • Guide to Money Management and Student Loans
    • Guide to Public Service Loan Forgiveness
    • MedLoans® Organizer and Calculator (MLOC)
    • Medical Student Education: Debt, Costs and Loan Repayment Fact Card

    Matriculating Student Resources for Financial Aid Officers

    Resources include:

    • Guide to Money Management and Student Loans
    • Money Management for Medical School Students PPT Presentation
    • MedLoans® Organizer and Calculator (MLOC)
    • Medical Student Education: Debt, Costs and Loan Repayment Fact Card 

    Presentations for Students and Residents

    For all presentations, feel free to add or delete slides, but do not edit existing slides in any way. The slides are a copyright of the AAMC*.

    *All information is accurate and compliant with Federal Regulations to the best of our knowledge, but is subject to change based on federal legislation. This presentation is intended to provide general information and is not intended to fulfill or replace any federally mandated requirement. For a comprehensive list of counseling requirements, review the FSA Knowledge Center