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    Webinar: Accommodating Students with Psychological Disabilities

    People with disabilities represent an important part of the diversity of students. As a community, we need discourse that combats misperceptions, stereotypes, and stigma and creates an environment that advances outcomes for all persons with disabilities. This webinar, recorded March 10, 2016, is a follow up to the national meeting, Dr’s Meeks, Murray and Papadaxis continue the conversation started at the AAMC LSL Annual Meeting in Baltimore about serving students with psychological disabilities in medical education, best practices, common issues and discuss creating healthy, positive discourse around mental health for all students.


    Lisa Meeks, PhD
    Director, Director of Medical Student Disability Services
    Assistant Professor of Medicine
    UCSF School of Medicine

    Joseph Murray, MD
    Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Equal Opportunity Programs
    Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry
    Weill Cornell School of Medicine

    Maxine Papadakis, MD
    Associate Dean of Students
    Professor of Medicine
    UCSF School of Medicine


    Webinar Transcript 
    Webinar PowerPoint 
    Webinar Plain Text