On Wednesday, December 7, 2016, the Group on Student Affairs-Committee on Admissions (COA) and Committee on Student Diversity Affairs (COSDA) hosted the webinar “Best practices for recruitment and retention of a diverse student body.”
Many schools are interested in the recruitment of a diverse student body to contribute to their medical schools mission. Through the Advancing Holistic Review Initiative many medical schools have been successful in achieving a diverse student body. It is equally as important to make sure there are programs in place to support and retain a diverse student body. In this webinar we will discuss one school’s experience with Holistic Review in medical school admissions and how this helped them with achieving a diverse student body. We will then hear best practices from two medical schools on how they have been successful in designing programs to retain their diverse student body.
LaTanya Love, MD (Moderator)
Associate Dean for Admissions & Student Affairs
McGovern Medical School at the University of Texas Health Science
David McIntosh, PhD
Associate Dean for Urban Health and Chief Diversity Officer
School of Medicine, University of Louisville
Sunny Nakae, MS, PhD
Assistant Dean for Admissions and Recruitment, Student Affairs
Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine
Sarika Thakur, MPH, EdD
Director of Research, Admissions and Outreach
UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine