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    Rules and Regulations and GIR Charter

    Rules and Regulations

    Read the Group on Information Resources rules and regulations (PDF).


    Below is the Group on Information Resources Charter, approved by the AAMC CEO [or designee] on December 31, 2021.

    I. Name and Authority

    A. Name. The name of the group shall be the Group on Information Resources of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), herein after referred to as GIR.

    B. Authority. This Charter governs GIR pursuant to the current version of the Groups Rules and Regulations approved by the AAMC Board of Directors, incorporated by reference. This charter and any process documents must be in alignment with the Groups Rules and Regulations.

    II. Purpose

    A. The purpose of the GIR shall be to provide a forum for individuals in relevant roles of leadership and responsibility to promote excellence in the application and integration of information resources in academic medicine, including medical education, clinical care, medical and health sciences research, health science libraries, public health, and institutional planning. The GIR fosters

    • development and continued improvement of information resources in AAMC member medical schools, teaching hospitals and health systems, and academic societies;
    • professional development of leaders of information resources in medical schools and teaching hospitals;
    • development of policies that recognize the fundamental importance of information resources in medical education, health care delivery, clinical care, and basic and clinical research; and
    • collaboration with other professional groups around scholarship as it relates to information technology and information resources in academic medicine.  

    B. The GIR shall effectuate its purpose by:

    • promoting communication among GIR members;
    • promoting communication between the AAMC and the GIR;
    • contributing advice and input from informed GIR members to the AAMC on matters related to information resources;
    • being responsive in identifying GIR member needs; and
    • exploring activities related to information resources within other AAMC groups.

    III. Membership

    A. Participants. The primary representatives shall consist of persons appointed by the dean of member medical schools and persons appointed by chief executive officers of member teaching hospitals or health systems of the AAMC. The appointed group member(s) shall serve under the guidance of the respective appointing authority.

    1. Appointing Authority. Each appointing authority may appoint up to three voting members of the GIR.
    2. Faculty, staff, residents and students of AAMC member institutions who are not appointed as voting members may join the GIR as non-voting individual members.

    B. Voting participants. The primary representatives are the voting participants of the GIR and shall be designated by the appointing authority and should not exceed the three representatives per institution.

    C. Non-voting individual members. Any current GIR member can approve the participation of a non-voting individual member at their own institution to the GIR.

    D. Voting participants have the authority to vote on GIR-related business that require an election. Non-voting individual members do not have the authority to vote on GIR-related business. All other GIR benefits are the same across the GIR membership categories.

    IV. Officers and Terms

    A. Officers. The officers of the GIR Group shall include a Chairperson, a Chairperson-Elect, an Immediate Past Chairperson and AAMC staff liaison.

    B. Eligibility of Officers. To be eligible for the position of Chairperson-elect, candidates must be formally appointed to the membership of the GIR by a medical school dean or teaching hospital chief executive officer as a voting participant.

    C. Term of Officers. The term of the Chairperson shall be for one year and shall commence at the GIR’s subsequent annual meeting. The Chairperson of the GIR may not serve consecutive terms as Chairperson.

    V. Committees

    A. Steering Committee. The GIR Group Steering Committee shall be composed of:

    • The Chairperson, the Chairperson-Elect, and the Immediate Past Chairperson and such additional members as described below.
    • Additional members shall be six elected members who shall each serve three-year terms, two individuals to be elected each year so as to provide staggered membership. Any GIR member is eligible to participate as a Steering Committee member.

    The GIR Group Steering Committee shall manage the affairs of the GIR. A Steering Committee member who is no longer employed by the appointing medical school or teaching hospital may complete an elected term on the Steering Committee only if he or she continues employment with an AAMC member medical school, or teaching hospital.

    B. Nominating Committee. A Nominating Committee, appointed each year by the Steering Committee, shall be chaired by the Immediate Past Chairperson. It shall make nominations for the Chairperson-Elect and other open positions, and such nominations shall be publicized in advance to the membership. Members, providing the consent of the nominee has been received, may make additional nominations from the floor, unless the election is by electronic ballot, in which case, additional nominations must be made at least 10 days before the election is held.

    The Nominating Committee will recommend to the Steering Committee any replacement Steering Committee member, if the previously elected person is unable to serve. The Steering Committee will then make such replacement appointment, and these will remain effective until the next Group election.

    C. Other Committees. Other Standing or Ad hoc GIR Group Committees/Work Groups may be authorized by vote of the Steering Committee of the Group. 

    Committee/Work Group Chairpersons shall be recommended by current Work Group co-chairs and confirmed by the Steering Committee. Committee/Work Group chairpersons shall serve a two-year term. 

    The Standing Committees/Work Groups and their functions shall be reviewed periodically by the Steering Committee. Those committees no longer needed may be dissolved upon recommendation of the Steering Committee. 

    Descriptions of the purpose and functions of each Group Committee/Work Group shall be appended to the Charter. The Committee/Work Group description shall not be considered an official part of the Charter. Major changes in the Committee/Work Group descriptions shall be made only by or with the approval of the GIR Group Steering Committee.

    VI. Date Approved

    The AAMC CEO [or designee] last approved this charter on 12/31/21.


    Education Technology Work Group
    The Educational Technology Work Group is responsible for informing GIR members and the AAMC on education technology issues, trends and related infrastructure, as well as interfacing with AAMC groups (GSA, GIP, GEA) and other external groups (EDUCAUSE, etc.). The Work Group may also be tasked with responding to emerging education technology issues. It is comprised of GIR members who have an interest in and knowledge of education technology infrastructure. Membership criteria: Open to all GIR members.

    Research Technology Work Group
    The Research Technology Working Group (RTWG) is responsible for informing GIR members and the AAMC on research technology issues, trends and related infrastructures while working collaboratively with other AAMC groups, particularly the Group on Research Advancement and Development (GRAND). This work group is also tasked with responding to emerging research technology issues, particularly in areas such as: mechanisms to identify and share research data management strategies, governance models, and standards; practices for designing and developing new research infrastructures at scale; and strategies and resources for workforce cultivation in medical research IT practice. Membership criteria: Open to all GIR members.

    Diversity and Inclusion Work Group
    The GIR Diversity and Inclusion Work Group (GIRDI) welcomes all who have an interest in learning about, promoting and championing diversity and inclusion in informatics. Work Group participants will share promising practices around the support and promotion of diversity efforts in IT: plan for webinars and conference presentations that highlight efforts at our member institutions and encourage dialogue around cultivating our future IT workforce. Membership criteria: Open to anyone in the AAMC community.

    Data-Driven Academic Medical Centers Work Group
    The Data-Driven Academic Medical Centers (DDAMC) Work Group seeks to be a coordinating source of resources to share knowledge and enable academic medical centers to leverage new and existing data to inform the decisions across its missions, strategic initiatives, and daily operations. This cross-cutting work group is led by chairpersons coming from the GIR, GBA, and GIP, with the goal of building a community of members who are interested in this topic and taking part in collaborative opportunities and projects surrounding data-driven activities and initiatives. Work group members are expected to participate in webinars and on monthly calls as well as to assist with projects and initiatives identified by the group and to contribute resources (e.g., articles, dashboards, screenshots). Membership criteria: Open to anyone in the AAMC community.