I. Name
The name of the organization shall be the "Group on Institutional Planning" (hereinafter referred to as the GIP) of the Association of American Medical Colleges (hereinafter referred to as the AAMC).
II. Purpose/Mission
The Group on Institutional Planning is committed to advancing the practice of planning in academic medicine. GIP members work in medical schools, teaching hospitals, academic health science centers, and related organizations. Their responsibilities include strategic planning, academic planning, clinical services planning and marketing, facilities planning, information systems planning, and resource planning, among others. The primary purposes of the GIP are to:
- Enhance the planning skills and knowledge base of its members.
- Establish an active network of communication among its members in order to speed the dissemination of creative ideas and learning experiences
- Serve as a planning resource to AAMC member institutions.
- Encourage members to contribute to the fundamental body of knowledge about planning theory and applications.
III. Membership
1. Designated members shall be faculty or staff involved in the coordination of planning in a medical school, or more broadly, in an academic health science center.
2. The members shall be representatives of institutions holding institutional, provisional or affiliated membership in the AAMC.
3. Institutional representatives shall be appointed by medical school deans or chief executive officers of teaching hospitals after consultation, where appropriate, with individuals more directly responsible for planning at echelons outside the medical school. Members shall serve at the pleasure of their appointing authority.
4. Each institution so represented shall be entitled to one vote. The institutional representatives appointed to the GIP shall establish their institution's procedure for determining this vote.
5. Other interested individuals without voting rights may be elected to the GIP by the membership or by its Steering Committee.
IV. National Meetings
1. Meetings of the national GIP membership shall be held annually at the time of and in connection with the GIP spring meeting. Additional meetings may be called by the GIP Steering Committee, as desired.
2. In the conduct of meetings, the order of business shall be under the direction of the National Chair, who shall make all parliamentary decisions. The chair's decisions may be reversed by a two-thirds majority of the membership present.
3. Twenty percent of the designated members (as defined in Section III) shall constitute a quorum.
4. Formal actions may be voted on by mail ballot or taken at the GIP spring meeting in which a quorum is present. Decisions shall be made by a majority vote of those members voting.
V. Officers
1. The national GIP officers shall include a National Chair, a National Chair-elect, the past-National Chair, and an executive secretary. The National Chair-elect shall be elected annually by a simple majority of the members present at the GIP spring meeting.
2. Nominations for a National Chair-elect shall be made by a nominating committee appointed by the National Chair of the GIP Steering Committee. Nominations for consideration by the committee may be made by any GIP designated member directly to the committee, provided the consent of the nominee has been received.
3. The National Chair shall preside at all meetings, appoint committees chairs as required, serve as an ad hoc (nonvoting) member of all committees, with the assistance of the executive secretary prepare an annual report to the membership, and perform such other duties and functions as may be necessary in order to provide proper leadership to the GIP.
4. The National Chair-elect, in the absence of the National Chair, shall preside at all meetings and shall fulfill such other functions as may be delegated by the National Chair.
5. The executive secretary shall be an AAMC staff member appointed by the president of the AAMC. The executive secretary shall coordinate the provision of appropriate staff support and assist in the general direction of the GIP. The executive secretary shall prepare minutes of all GIP meetings for approval by members of the appropriate committee.
6. Terms of office of the national GIP officers shall extend from the closing session of the GIP spring meeting, at which they assume office, to the closing session of the next GIP spring meeting.
7. If a vacancy in one of the GIP national offices occurs during the normal term of office, a temporary replacement will be appointed by the GIP Steering Committee to serve until the next GIP spring meeting. Should this vacancy occur in the office of the GIP National Chair, the temporary replacement will automatically be the GIP National Chair-elect and a new temporary National Chair-elect will be appointed by the Steering Committee to finish the term of office.
VI. Committees
1. The GIP Steering Committee shall be composed of (a) the national officers of the GIP, (b)six members elected by the general membership; (c) the Professional Development Committee chair, (d) the Space Advisory Committee chair, and (e) chairs of the GIP committees duly established. The Steering Committee shall meet at least twice a year to set policy for the GIP and manage GIP affairs.
2. The six at-large Steering Committee members shall serve two-year staggered terms, three members each in even- and odd-numbered years. Each year the Nominating Committee shall select three individuals for presentation to the general membership. Recommendations for consideration by the Nominating Committee may be made by the GIP members. In making this selection, the Nominating Committee's goal will be to achieve a balance by reviewing the demographic composition of the GIP, and the nominations will take into consideration regional distribution, disciplinary background and work responsibilities, type and size of schools represented and such other factors as may be necessary to achieve a balanced and representative committee structure.
3. The Professional Development Committee shall be composed of (a) a chairperson appointed jointly by the National Chair and National Chair-elect, (b) a vice-chairman/chair-elect, (c) the National Chair, and (d) such other persons the committee chair may appoint to meet the work of the committee. Appointments are made annually to this committee following the GIP spring meeting. The Professional Development Committee shall (a) plan the GIP spring meeting, (b) plan programs at the AAMC Annual Meeting, and (c) provide leadership on professional development activities within the GIP as required.
4. The Space Advisory Committee shall be composed of (a) a chairperson appointed by the National Chair of the GIP Steering Committee and (b) such other persons the committee chair may appoint to meet the work of the committee, with the concurrence of the Steering Committee. The Space Advisory Committee shall be a resource to the Steering Committee on space and facilities matters at AAMC member institutions.
5. The Nominating Committee, to be appointed by the National Chair of the GIP Steering Committee, shall be composed of (a) the National Chair, (b) the National Chair-elect, (c) the immediate past National Chair, and (d) two ad-hoc members. The National Chair, National Chair-elect and immediate past National Chair will recommend the ad-hoc members, to be approved by the GIP Steering Committee. The Nominating Committee will screen candidates for the National Chair-elect and at-large members of the Steering Committee and will present a ballot of candidates for vote by the eligible voting membership.
6. Other committees for the normal operation of the GIP shall be appointed by the National Chair with the concurrence of the Steering Committee.
7. Minutes shall be kept of all meetings of the Steering Committee, Professional Development Committee, and other committees, as appointed. These minutes shall be circulated to all committee members and to the members of the GIP Steering Committee.
VII. Parliamentary Authority
For matters not covered in these Rules and Regulations, the parliamentary authority shall be Roberts Rules of Order revised.
VIII. Amendments
Subject to the approval of the AAMC Executive Council, these Rules and Regulations may be altered, repealed or amended or new Rules and Regulations adopted by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting at the GIP spring meeting for which thirty days written notice of the proposed Rules and Regulations change has been given. In the case of mail or electronic balloting, the vote should be returned in no more than forty-five days after receipt of the proposed amendment.
Revised as of February 2002