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    The Robert G. Fenley Writing Awards: General Staff Writing - Bronze

    Bodies of Knowledge
    Bodies of Knowledge

    “Bodies of Knowledge” by Jacqueline Carr
    University of California, San Diego School of Medicine

    “For first-year medical students, anatomy lab offers immediate, tangible lessons in what it means to be human — from many perspectives.”

    The UC San Diego Body Donation Program honors donors and scrupulously respects their remains and rights at every step of the process, including, ultimately, cremation. The donation program advances the future of medicine and a doctor’s anatomical knowledge in a way that has no substitute. A donor memorial takes place each spring for the families of the donors. Students express their thanks and the importance of the family’s donation to their education and to their development as knowledgeable, compassionate physicians. Learn more at bodydonation.ucsd.edu.


    Jacqueline Carr, jcarr@health.ucsd.edu