Johns Hopkins Medicine Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information and Updates
Johns Hopkins Medicine
Johns Hopkins Medicine’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information and Updates website launched in January 2020 to educate the public and our patients about the coronavirus pandemic. By June, the site had grown into a hub of 90-plus articles, infographics and videos covering topics such as coronavirus symptoms, preventive measures, impacts on vulnerable populations and ways to maintain mental health. The site also showcases the tremendous patient care by our health care heroes, explains Hopkins research efforts into coronavirus treatments, and shares stories about patients who recovered from COVID-19.

What was the most impactful part of your award-winning entry?
The most impactful part was knowing that our COVID-19 content improved the well-being and understanding of people around the world during the coronavirus pandemic.
What is one thing you learned from this experience?
Leveraging our medical expertise and collaborating with specialists across our institution is crucial.
What challenge did you overcome?
Listening to the needs of our varied audiences during different phases of the pandemic and re-prioritizing our resources accordingly.
Susan Watanabe, swatana6@jh.edu