Print and Digital Publishing
Single or Special Issue
- Penn Medicine Facts & Figures 2020; Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
External Audience
- Hopkins Medicine; Johns Hopkins Medicine Marketing and Communications
- Pulse, Harvard Medical School's Donor Newsletter; Harvard Medical School
- UTSW: The Check-Up; UT Southwestern
Internal Audience
- WashU Med COVID-19 Update; Washington University School of Medicine
Electronic Communications
Audio and Video
- Representation in Medicine Matters | Ohio State College of Medicine; The Ohio State University College of Medicine
- Four Years in Blue: The University of Michigan Medical School Documentary; University of Michigan Medical School
The Robert G. Fenley Writing Awards
General Staff Writing
- The Body, the Self; Harvard Medical School
The “Shoestring” Award
- Visualizing the Harvard Medical School Educational Mission; Harvard Medical School
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives
- Expanding the Chats to National Esteem; Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai