The role of the Department Chair continues to evolve as the rapidly changing health care environment shapes how academic health systems are responding to operational and financial pressures. In fully integrated academic health systems, roles for Department Chairs are evolving to be more aligned with the system's executive leadership team. Given a Department Chair's influence on health system priorities, Department Chairs are being asked to take an enterprise viewpoint while working collaboratively to support health system priorities, such as population health, quality outcomes, and financial sustainability. In these elevated roles, Department Chairs must balance the needs to their respective Department, the School of Medicine, and Faculty Practice Plan - aligning these priorities with health system goals and the academic mission while working to support interdisciplinary care. As a result, the rewards program for Department Chairs are evolving to support successful outcomes. During this webinar sponsored by the Group on Faculty Practice (GFP), experts from SullivanCotter will provide a national picture on the role of Department Chairs and emerging trends in compensation design. In addition, leaders from University of Utah Health and Boston University School of Medicine will provide perspectives on how the Department Chair role has evolved at their institutions.
Alexa Kimball, MD, MPH
President & CEO
Harvard Medical Faculty Physicians
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Dayle Benson, DHA
Chief of Staff, Clinical Affairs
University of Utah Health
Executive Director
University of Utah Medical Group
David L. Coleman, MD
Chair of Medicine
Boston University School of Medicine
Renee Stolis, MBA
Jason Tackett, MBA, MS
Physician Workforce Solutions and Strategic Growth Leader