On November 12, 2020, the Group on Business Affairs and the Group on Faculty Practice presented a joint webinar on understanding the impact of COVID-19 on physician compensation. Academic medical centers are evaluating ways to best position themselves to manage anticipated increases in volume, navigate the transition to value-based reimbursement, and support long-term financial sustainability. SullivanCotter has used their extensive experience and data to closely track and carefully evaluate the pandemic's impact on physician faculty compensation. During this 75-minute webinar, physician compensation experts from SullivanCotter provided a national picture on the pandemic's impact on compensation with an in-depth look at how academic medical centers are responding to the pandemic.
Participants also heard from two faculty practice executives on how their physician groups, OHSU Practice Plan and MCV Physicians, addressed physician compensation in light of the pandemic. Following the presentations, attendees participated in a Q&A and discussion period.
This webinar was Part I in a series of jointly sponsored webinars by the GBA and GFP. Part II will discuss the results from the 2019 AAMC/SullivanCotter Survey on Physician Faculty Compensation Methodologies, the third survey done by the AAMC and SullivanCotter to help members understand how compensation methodologies for faculty physicians, community physicians that are part of an AMC, and Advanced Practice Providers are evolving. Perspectives from AAMC member institutions will also be shared during Part II.
Ivy Baer, JD, MPH, Senior Director and Regulatory Counsel, Regulatory and Policy Group, Association of American Medical Colleges
Darrell Allen Griffith, MPH, CMPE, Senior Associate Dean for Finance & Administration, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, Chief Operating Officer of MCV Physicians
Anthony R. Masciotra, Jr, MBA, CPA, Senior Vice President & Chief of Ambulatory and Professional Practice Officer, Oregon Health & Science University, CEO of OHSU Practice Plan, Senior Associate Dean of Clinical Practice, OHSU School of Medicine
Jason Tackett, MBA, MS, Principal, Physician Workforce Solutions and Strategic Growth Leader, SullivanCotter