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  • Press Release

    AAMC Statement on Approval of COVID-19 Vaccines

    Media Contacts

    Stuart Heiser, Senior Media Relations Specialist

     AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges) Chief Scientific Officer Ross McKinney, Jr., MD and AAMC President and CEO David J. Skorton, MD, issued the following statement on the approval of COVID-19 vaccines:

    “To maintain public faith in a COVID-19 vaccine, as well as to optimally assure the safety and effectiveness of new products for widespread public distribution, the AAMC recommends that the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) evaluate any candidate vaccines prior to the FDA issuing an emergency use authorization.
    Full approval of a new vaccine or biologic requires demonstration of safety and effectiveness through a process that includes evaluation by the VRBPAC. Their recommendations are considered by FDA staff who ultimately have the authority to approve the new product.

    Stopping the COVID-19 pandemic demands our best science and our best approval processes. The health of our nation depends on it.”

    The AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges) is a nonprofit association dedicated to improving the health of people everywhere through medical education, health care, medical research, and community collaborations. Its members are all 159 U.S. medical schools accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education; 14 accredited Canadian medical schools; nearly 500 academic health systems and teaching hospitals, including Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers; and more than 70 academic societies. Through these institutions and organizations, the AAMC leads and serves America’s medical schools, academic health systems and teaching hospitals, and the millions of individuals across academic medicine, including more than 201,000 full-time faculty members, 97,000 medical students, 158,000 resident physicians, and 60,000 graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in the biomedical sciences. Following a 2022 merger, the Alliance of Academic Health Centers International broadened participation in the AAMC by 70 international academic health centers throughout five regional offices across the globe. Learn more at aamc.org.